2.16. Assessment of educational achievements of students
2.16.1. To assess educational achievements of students (achievement of expected learning outcomes), there are following types of control of students' academic performance:
- ongoing assessment;
- interim examination;
- midterm examination (semi-semester exam);
- final assessment (final exam).
2.16.2. All types of control involve assessment of achievement of expected learning outcomes using the 100-point scale.
2.16.3. Ongoing assessment is systematic examination of students' knowledge in accordance with the curriculum, conducted by the instructor during classroom sessions and extracurricular activities throughout the academic period.
2.16.4. Grade points for performing tasks of the ongoing assessment are distributed in the syllabus of the discipline by weeks in accordance with the number and degree of complexity of tasks to be performed.
2.16.5. Ongoing assessment grade points should be indicated in the attendance list in the "UNIVER" system in strict accordance with the maximum possible quantity of points for the corresponding academic week according to the syllabus of the discipline.
2.16.6. Interim examination (IE) is the assessment of educational achievements of students in their study of the discipline, carried out according to the academic calendar.
2.16.7. Grade points of interim examination reflect cumulative total assessment of current academic performance of the student (according to the grades indicated in the attendance list) and results of performance of special tasks of interim examination (if necessary).
2.16.8. Interim examination grades are recorded into the record of interim examination in the "UNIVER" system. The number of interim examinations is determined by the educational program curriculum and is indicated in the syllabus of the discipline; as a rule, students are graded for two interim examinations while studying a discipline (IE1 and IE2).
2.16.9. During the first interim examination (IE1), the student's progress for the first 5 weeks of the semester is assessed. The second interim examination (IE2) assesses academic performance for the period from the 11th to the 15th week of the semester.
2.16.10. Semi-semester exam (midterm examination) is the assessment of educational achievements of students, conducted on the 10th week of the semester; it assesses the results of students' progress in the period from the 6th to the 10th week of the semester. Results of the midterm examination (MT) are recorded in a special attestation form in the "UNIVER" system.
2.16.11. Final assessment on the discipline is carried out in the form of final exam, which is conducted, as a rule, as written examination with involvement of alternative examiners with necessary qualifications, chosen from instructors, who have not conducted classes on this discipline for the examinees.
2.16.12. Any alternative examiner is not allowed to assess examination works on more than 4 academic disciplines. It is not allowed to appoint as an alternative examiner for a discipline a person, who has a family relationship with the instructor of the discipline or with anyone of the students to be examined.
2.16.13. Final exam on the discipline is held during the examination session period, which lasts at least 2 weeks. Results of the final exam (E) are recorded in a separate attestation form in the "UNIVER" system.
2.16.14. Academic Senate of the faculty determines the mode and the procedure of the final exam for each discipline no later than one month after the beginning of academic period.
2.16.15. Instructor chooses forms of the ongoing assessment, interim and midterm examination, depending on the specifics of the discipline.
2.16.16. Ongoing assessment, interim and midterm examinations may have different forms: colloquiums, tests, written assignments, evaluation of students' participation in debates, round tables, business games, solving situational problems, etc. Detailed information on the forms of ongoing assessment, interim and midterm examinations is included in the syllabus of the discipline and should be brought to the attention of students in the first two weeks of the semester.
2.16.17. The maximum level of academic performance for interim and midterm examinations on the discipline is 100 grade points for each interim examination and for midterm examination, including the results of ongoing assessment.
2.16.18. The instructor enters results of interim examinations and midterm examination in the attestation forms in the UNIVER system until 12 p.m. of Saturday of the corresponding attestation week indicated in the academic calendar.
2.16.19. The amount of grade points awarded during the attestation week may not exceed the maximum established for this week in the syllabus of the discipline.
2.16.20. It is not allowed to change the results of interim and midterm examinations for increasing them.
2.16.21. If a student has not earned grade points for interim and midterm examinations during the semester because of an acceptable documented reason (due to illness with provision of supporting documents, etc.), he/she may be given an “I” grade (“Incomplete”). In order to transfer “I” to a standard grade, the student, who has received the appropriate permission, must meet with the instructor and identify the amount and types of work to be performed.
2.16.22. The student should work off all assignments to get missed grades before passing the final exam. It is not allowed to change grades of interim examination 1, interim examination 2 and midterm examination after passing the final exam on the discipline.
2.16.23. Final assessment is assessment of students' academic achievements, carried out after completion of the study of the discipline during the examination session (intermediate attestation).
2.16.24. Students who have scored at least 50 grade points (IE1 + MT + IE2 / 3) are admitted to the final assessment of their academic performance. The maximum grade for the final exam is 100 grade points.
2.16.25. The final grade for the discipline is calculated according to the following formula: (IE1 + MT + IE2 / 3) x 0.6 + (FE x 0.4). That is, the interim and midterm examination constitute 60%, and the final assessment (final exam) constitutes 40% of the final grade on the discipline.
2.16.26. Admission to the examination session is issued by order of the dean of the faculty. To the final examination are not admitted:
- students who scored less than 50 points based on the results of interim examinations and MT (IE1 + MT + IE2 / 3);
- students who missed more than 50% of classes on the discipline, regardless of documentary evidence;
- students who have not submitted term papers (projects) on the relevant discipline;
- students studying on contractual basis for provision of educational services, who have debts in payment of tuition fees.
2.16.27. Duration of examination sessions and number of exams are determined in accordance with the approved curriculum of the educational program and the academic calendar. Dean of the faculty, Department of Academic Affairs and Office of the Registrar are responsible for organizing and conducting examination sessions.
2.16.28. Students must pass all exams in strict accordance with program curriculum and individual study plans based on approved study programs of disciplines.
2.16.29. Procedure of examination session is regulated by the Rules for conducting final assessment (examination session).
2.16.30. All university students should be familiar with the Rules for conducting final assessment (examination session), as well as with the Academic integrity rules, which establish requirements for academic conduct of the students during final assessment of educational achievements.
2.16.31. Examination sessions on educational programs delivering with use of distance learning technologies, their periods and number in the academic year are determined by the approved curricula of educational programs.
2.16.32. The National Testing Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducts the external assessment of academic achievements (EAAA) in the form of comprehensive testing for undergraduate students on their third year of study.
2.16.33. The EAAA is carried out in order to assess the quality of educational services and to determine the students’ level of mastering standard study programs of disciplines from the general education cycle, established by the state compulsory standard of higher education.
2.16.34. The mark received by the student on the EAAA test is included into his/her transcript.