2.10. Credit technology of education
2.10.1. Planning of the content of education, the method of organization and delivery of educational process is carried out on the basis of credit technology of education in accordance with state compulsory standards of higher and postgraduate education.
2.10.2. With credit technology, workload is measured by the time required for the student to study a discipline, a module or an entire educational program and necessary to achieve established learning outcomes for this higher or postgraduate education program.
2.10.3. Workload is measured by standard units – academic credits.
2.10.4. Student workload includes all his/her study activities: lectures, seminars, term papers (projects), practical and laboratory work, studio classes, professional practice, research work (writing thesis, master or doctoral dissertation), independent work, including work done under supervision of instructor.
2.10.5. Academic credit is equal to 30 hours, of which at least 9- 10 hours are planned for students' contact classroom work.
2.10.6. To obtain a degree of bachelor, master or doctor, student should complete an appropriate educational program and earn necessary amount of academic credits (bachelor – 240-300, master’s – 60-120, doctoral – 360).
2.10.7. Higher education program’s curriculum consists of disciplines of three cycles: general education disciplines (GED), core disciplines (CD) and major disciplines (MD). GED cycle includes discipline of the compulsory component (hereinafter – CC), the university component (hereinafter – UC) and (or) elective component (hereinafter – EC).
2.10.8. Master's program curriculum consists of core (CD) and major disciplines (MD) and includes disciplines of the university component (UC) and elective component (EC).
2.10.9. Doctoral program curriculum consists of core (CD) and major disciplines (MD) and includes disciplines of the university component (UC) and elective component (EC); the university decides itself what the proportion of disciplines of the university component and major disciplines should be.
2.10.10. Listings of disciplines of the university component and elective component are determined by the university independently, taking into account demands of the labor market, expectations of employers and individual interests of students.
2.10.11. To ensure awareness of students of the content of elective disciplines (modules) offered by the faculty, there is published a catalogue of disciplines (modules) for each block of the curriculum. The catalogue of disciplines can be viewed in electronic form in the UNIVER system.
2.10.12. Academic year consists of academic periods (semester - 15 weeks, summer semester - 6 weeks), periods of intermediate attestation, practices, holidays, final attestation period (at the final year of study). Duration and timescales for all periods of each academic year are indicated in the Academic Calendar, which is published and brought to the attention of students and faculty members no later than three months before the beginning of the academic year.
2.10.13. Full academic load of one academic year corresponds to 60 academic credits or 1800 academic hours. As a rule, a student earns 30 academic credits in one semester.
2.10.14. Summer semester after ending of the academic year (excluding the final year study) is conducted to satisfy students’ needs in additional training, for elimination of academic backlog or academic deficiency, for study of academic disciplines and earning credits in other educational organizations with subsequent credit transfer at KazNU, for increasing GPA, or for mastering related or additional educational program (including double degree education). Students study in summer semester only on paid basis.
2.10.15. Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated by multiplying the amount of credits of each academic discipline/module of the curriculum to the numeric equivalent of the obtained grade, and after that, all products for all disciplines/modules are added together and divided by the total number of credits.
2.10.16. Each year the Academic Senate of the University establishes threshold GPA, or the minimum level of academic performance needed to advance further in the program. Threshold GPA, as well as personal GPA, can be seen in the student’s transcript in the UNIVER system.
2.10.17. To earn required credits during the summer semester a student may register for 15 academic credits maximum not later than two weeks before the start of the summer semester (until 25 of May of the calendar year).
2.10.18. A student may register for study in another national university to earn 10 academic credits maximum in the summer semester, if his/her academic backlog at the end of the academic year exceeds 15 credits, providing that he/she has registered for re-taking courses in the summer semester at KazNU. To obtain permission for study in the summer semester at another university, the student should submit respective application to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs signed by the dean of the faculty after registration to the summer semester at KazNU and before beginning studying at another university.
2.10.19. For timely elimination of academic debts and keeping to the prerequisite principle of study, it is recommended for students to register for re-taking disciplines in main 15-week semesters of the academic year.
2.10.20. Students who have academic backlog according to the results of the academic year and the summer semester will remain for the repeated year of study and their state grant will be lost. A student still has the opportunity to save his/her grant for continuing studies by transferring to another university before the university order on the repeated year of study is signed (until 25th of August of the calendar year).
2.10.21. A student who completed the course program in full, but did not get the threshold GPA, in order to increase it, is given the opportunity to re-study individual disciplines on a paid basis in the summer semester and to retake exams on them.
2.10.22. Records on academic performance of students are kept:
- in electronic credit books, where all studied disciplines, their instructors’ names, results of interim and final assessment, intermediate and final attestation, as well as all types of practices are indicated;
- in transcripts, which contain lists of studied disciplines for corresponding study periods, with indication of credits and grades in alphabetic and numerical terms.
2.10.21. In the transcript there are recorded all final grades of the student, including positive results of exams, which were retaken.
2.10.22. Transcripts are issued to students for expulsion, academic mobility, foreign internships; for applying for discount in payment, Presidential or other scholarships; for transfer from study on contractual basis to study funded by a state educational grant; for internships in companies; for applying to banks for a loan; for transfer within the university or to other universities. Transcripts are also issued to persons who have eliminated academic deficiency in prerequisites or who have studied at the university under programs of academic (external, internal) mobility.
2.10.23. Transcript, issued in 3 languages, indicating all studied academic disciplines, all types of professional practices and results of the final attestation with grades and credit volumes, and GPA, is the document, which constitutes supplement to diploma.
2.10.24. Transcripts are issued by the Office of the Registrar of the University in the prescribed form.