2.12. Registration for disciplines and generation of individual study plans
2.12.1. Students of KazNU form their individual learning paths independently, guided by the expected learning outcomes and competencies that would be acquired upon completion of the educational program. A student chooses to study the required number of compulsory and elective disciplines (modules), which would be reflected in his/her individual study plan (ISP).
2.12.2. Choice of disciplines is carried out by registering for the disciplines. A student selects disciplines for study in the upcoming academic year under the guidance of an adviser, or academic mentor.
2.12.3. A student is personally responsible for compiling his/her individual study plan and completing study program for each year of study in accordance with requirements of the educational program curriculum.
2.12.4. Persons studying with the use of distance education technologies (DET), form individual study plans with help of tutors.
2.12.5. Registration for academic disciplines is carried out online in the Univer system (http://univer.kaznu.kz) in the timescales prescribed by the academic calendar, in accordance with the registration schedule approved by the dean of the faculty.
2.12.6. Registration is done strictly after lesson hours in specially prepared computer classes with participation of advisers appointed by the dean of the faculty.
2.12.7. Registration for academic disciplines is carried out using the curriculum of the educational program and the catalogue of disciplines.
2.12.8. Prior to registration, heads of graduating chairs, together with program coordinators and advisers, organize preliminary methodological and advisory work related to choice of disciplines by students. Students should be provided with necessary information about disciplines, including their brief descriptions, learning outcomes, prerequisites and post requisites. There should be organized special introductory meetings of students with instructors of disciplines.
2.12.9. There is description of disciplines presented for registration in the catalogue of disciplines (modules); this information is also available in the Univer system and on the university website.
2.12.10. For newly admitted to the University during the orientation week, dates of which are indicated in the academic calendar, a general introduction is made to the credit system of education and the procedure of registration for disciplines.
2.12.11. During the orientation week, meetings are held with representatives of the administration, deans of faculties, department heads, advisers. Each student is assigned an identification number ID (login), under which he/she registers his/her individual study plan through online registration for academic disciplines.
2.12.12. Maximum number of credits, which can be included in a student’s individual study plan must correspond to the number of credits established by the curriculum of educational program for the current semester and year of study respectively.
2.12.13. Students, whose preparation is carried out on the basis of a contract for provision of educational services, may form their individual study plans with fewer disciplines than it is allowed by the curriculum; in this case, duration of study increases.
2.12.14. Choice of disciplines (modules) should be carried out with mandatory consideration of the sequence of study of disciplines. A student cannot be registered for a discipline, if in the previous semester he/she did not complete the prerequisites for this discipline.
2.12.15. Head of the graduating chair and advisers are responsible for timely informing students with academic debts about the possibilities of their liquidation in subsequent periods of theoretical study in order to comply with the principle of prerequisite.
2.12.16. The university administration reserves the right to determine on its own the terms for compulsory re-taking disciplines of academic backlog in order to minimize risks for students.
2.12.17. Master’s and doctoral students must complete prerequisites of the educational program during the first semester of study. During this period, they are not given permission to travel abroad on academic mobility or internship programs.
2.12.18. Registration of graduate education programs’ students is carried out within the framework of educational programs of master’s and doctoral programs in accordance with the profile of research / experimental research work.
2.12.19. If the number of students who have registered for an academic discipline is less than the minimum demanded, then the discipline does not open. Students who register for this discipline should be informed about that, and within 3 days after the end of registration, they would be asked to re-select the discipline.
2.12.20. When students return from academic leave, travel abroad, re-enrollment or transfer from another university, the Registrar’s Office registers students according to their personal applications to previously formed disciplinary groups, with preference being given to the groups with smaller number of students.
2.12.21. The UNIVER system automatically generates individual study plans (ISP) after completion of the discipline registration procedure. Approval of the ISP by the student, adviser, dean of the faculty and supervising officer from the Registrar's Office is also carried out electronically in the UNIVER system, in which the ISP is stored until the end of the student’s studies. The student’s ISP is registered in the system under his/her personal identification number (ID).
2.12.22. A student has the right to change individual disciplines of his/her individual study plan within the limits of the catalogue of disciplines of the educational program in coordination with the Office of the Registrar until theoretical study starts.
2.12.23. A student can apply for transfer of credits on disciplines studied in other universities in the framework of academic mobility programs, if these courses are equivalent to those of the approved curriculum of the educational program of KazNU.
2.12.24. Graduates of secondary schools with a 12-year term of study are allowed to transfer credits on disciplines “Kazakh (Russian) language”, “English language”, “Information and communication technologies”. To transfer credits, the graduating chair, using syllabuses of disciplines, establishes the equivalence of the content of the courses taught to the curriculum of KazNU.
2.12.25. Students, returned from academic leave, as well as transferred from other universities, can transfer credits on disciplines, which have been decided to be equivalent to those of the curriculum of KazNU.
2.12.26. The application for transfer of credits should be submitted by the student electronically in the UNIVER system no later than the first 2 weeks of the corresponding semester of study.
2.12.27. In case of transfer of credits on disciplines studied during a foreign academic mobility trip, the application should be submitted within 3 working days after the issuance of the order on return from abroad.
2.12.28. To the application for credit transfer there should be attached supporting documents (proposal of the graduating chair, transcript or certificate, indicating completed courses, their academic workload and received grades). Proposal for credit transfer should be signed by the dean of the faculty and the head of graduating chair, and should be approved by the vise-rector for academic affairs.
2.12.29. Upon completion of credit transfer on a discipline, the student receives exemption from studying this discipline. In the case of training on contractual basis of provision of educational services, the tuition fee should be lowered taking into account cost of transferred credits.
2.12.30. Registration for the repeated study of a discipline (“Retake”) is carried out within established deadlines for general registration, but requires preliminary payment for study, since any course can be re-taken only on the tuition fee basis regardless of specialty and form of training.
2.12.31. Registration for the summer semester is carried out at the end of the spring semester, except for graduating course students. There is no summer semester organized for graduating course students.