2.18. Organization and passing of professional practices
2.18.1. Students of Al-Farabi KazNU during studying in educational programs of higher or postgraduate education undergo professional practices established by the programs curricula in accordance with state compulsory education standards.
2.18.2. Taking professional practices by KazNU students is based on the concept of continuous practical training, which implies thorough continuous development of practical skills and competencies throughout the entire period of study at the university.
2.18.3. These are main and mandatory types of professional practices of students at Al-Farabi KazNU: educational, pedagogical, industrial, pre-graduation and research practices.
2.18.4. All types of practice are carried out in accordance with practice programs, containing core requirements to organization and conduct of practices that are passed under guidance of practice supervisors, appointed by order of the university rector.
2.18.5. The program of practice is developed by the graduating chair, taking into account profile of the educational program, nature of the enterprise or organization approved as the place of practical training (practice base), and expected learning outcomes. The Academic Senate of the faculty approves the program of practice.
2.18.6. Industrial practice programs should be approved by bases of the practice.
2.18.7. Organization of practice throughout all its stages should be aimed at ensuring continuity and sequence in mastering professional skills by students in accordance with requirements established for the corresponding level of preparation of the graduate.
2.18.8. Educational practice of students can be carried out in departments of the University or at enterprises, institutions and organizations.
2.18.9. Industrial, pedagogical, pre-graduation practices of students are carried out, as a rule, at enterprises, institutions and organizations, which are approved as practice bases in accordance with existing agreements on provision of bases for practice.
2.18.10. Head of graduating chair is responsible for timely concluding agreements with organizations on conducting professional practices of KazNU students in these organizations, for compliance of the practice bases to the profile and expected learning outcomes of the educational program. Head of the chair controls work of the appointed practice supervisors.
2.18.11. Practice supervisors are responsible for timely high-quality organization of students’ professional practices, for monitoring of timely keeping records in practice workbooks in the UNIVER system by trainee students, for providing consultations to students on all issues related to practices, and for assessing results of the practice with recording the grades in the attestation forms in the "UNIVER" system.
2.18.12. Students have the right to look for a practice base independently and to initiate conclusion of the agreement on practical training, if the proposed base of practice matches profile of the educational program and the program expected learning outcomes, concerning development of practical skills.
2.18.13. In order to implement the concept of continuous practical training, long-term cooperation is encouraged with organizations that annually provide the base for various types of professional practices within the framework of the educational program, thereby contributing to the continuity and tradition in development of necessary professional competencies in students.
2.18.14. Timescales for practices are set by the university in accordance with the curriculum and the academic calendar, taking into account the students’ level of preparedness and availability of facilities of the university and other organizations, which serve as practice bases.
2.18.15. The curricula of educational programs determine the number of credits corresponding to each type of practice. Students register for necessary types of practice and include them in their individual study plans.
2.18.16. The trainee student documents results of the practice in the form of a written report, which he/she defends in front of commission at the graduating chair in the appropriate period of intermediate attestation according to the academic calendar.
2.18.17. Grade given for the results of the trainees' practice is recorded in the practice attestation form; the grade is equated to grades of theoretical study and is taken into account when considering appointment of scholarships, calculating the total GPA and transferring the student to the next year of study.
2.18.18. General results of the practice are summarized at meetings of the Faculty Academic Senates with participation of representatives of the practice bases.
2.18.19. 2-year master’s educational programs and PhD programs include two types of practices: pedagogical practice in an educational institution, and research practice at the place, where the dissertation work is being done.
2.18.20. The aim of the pedagogical practice in master’s and doctoral programs is preparation of graduate students for scientific and pedagogical activities in higher education institutions; acquisition and consolidation of practical skills of delivering educational process in tertiary school, including teaching of special disciplines, organization of students’ educational activities, scientific and methodological work on the subject.
2.18.21. Pedagogical practice can be carried out during the period of theoretical study without interruption of studying.
2.18.22. Research practice is carried out in order to familiarize students with the latest methodological and technological achievements of the national and foreign science, with modern methods of scientific research, processing and interpretation of experimental data; in order to collect empirical and factual material for dissertation research.
2.18.23. 1-1,5-year master’s educational programs and applied doctoral programs include industrial practice. Industrial practice is aimed at consolidating theoretical knowledge gained in the learning process, acquisition of research and professional competencies.
2.18.24. Results of pedagogical (teaching) practice are discussed at the final conference, where students make presentations and reports. The commission, which includes instructors on pedagogy, psychology and practice supervisor from the graduating chair, issues the final grade for pedagogical practice.
2.18.25. Students should document results of research and industrial practices in the form of written reports and submit them to the commission at the graduating chair.
2.18.26. Students are required to pass timely all types of professional practices and attestation of their results in accordance with individual study plans and the academic calendar.