1.5. University structure and management system
Al-Farabi KazNU is a modern scientific and educational cluster including 16 faculties with 67 departments; 8 scientific research institutes in the area of natural sciences and technology; Science and Technology Park; the National Public Nano technological Laboratory; 5 institutes and 17 scientific centers in the area of social and humanitarian sciences.
Management of the university activities is based on principles of unity of command and collective leadership; it is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the University Charter.
The highest forms of governing bodies of the university are the Scientific Senate, the Supervisory Board, the Academic (Scientific and Methodological) Council, the Student Senate and the Council of Elders.
Direct management of the university’s activities is performed by the rector, who is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as by vice-rectors in charge of the following areas:
- First Vice-Rector;
- Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities;
- Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs;
- Vice-Rector for Science and Education Integration;
- Vice-Rector for Social Development;
- Vice-Rector for Administration and Service;
- Vice-Rector for Commercialization.
The rector of the university acts on behalf of KazNU, represents its interests in all public and governmental bodies, ensures quality of students training and compliance with requirements of the state compulsory standards for higher and postgraduate education, and provides compliance with requirements of the financial discipline, as well as protection of labor rights of employees and students.
The rector and vice-rectors of the university have to undergo attestation in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Each year the rector of the university gives a report on the strategic development plan of the university to the governing bodies and public.
KazNU has implemented a result-oriented management system based on indicative planning and rating system to evaluate activities of faculty members, departments and faculties. Indicative planning includes indicators-indexes in four areas of activity: educational and methodical work; development of scientific-research and innovative activities of the university; university integration into the international scientific and educational space; morale building activities and social development.