2.9. Expected learning oucomes
2.9.1. The main goal of studying an educational program is students' achievement of expected learning outcomes, development on their basis of professional competencies that are highly specialized knowledge and skills, and ability to apply this knowledge and skills for solving relevant professional problems.
2.9.2. Competitiveness of a specialist on the labor market is determined by the level of development of his/her professional competencies; he/she should be a professional able to apply the acquired knowledge in specific practical situations to get the intended result at the lowest cost and in the optimal time.
2.9.3. The European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) provides connection of professional competencies with knowledge, skills and abilities formed during training.
2.9.4. EQF is a meta-system, which purpose is to ensure transparency, comparability, compatibility and recognition of qualifications, diplomas and certificates of education. The European Qualifications Framework is based on identification of learning outcomes at each level of qualification.
2.9.5. Knowledge, skills and competencies acquired by students during studying the program are systemic, formed not only during training, but also at periods of professional practice, research, etc.
2.9.6. Expected learning outcomes are described both at the level of the educational program as a whole (in the passport of the educational program), and at the level of each specific discipline (in the syllabus of the discipline) in order:
- to give students an idea of the educational goals of the program (module, discipline) focused on achieving specific results as the dominant of learning; to specify the information for selecting an individual learning path;
- to help the instructor determine educational goals of the discipline from the perspective of expectations of students and employers; to determine the role of discipline as a component of the educational program and ways of its improvement concerning its content and technologies;
- to provide coordinators and developers of educational programs with objective criteria for evaluating content of the program, its consistency and structural connectedness of modules and the program as a whole.
2.9.7. Learning outcomes at KazNU after al-Farabi are described by the levels of B.Bloom's taxonomy: understanding of knowledge, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation (cognitive, functional and systemic competencies).
2.9.8. Abilities to maintain interpersonal and social interaction in the area of educational and professional communication (social competencies), as well as abilities to analyze and evaluate personal educational achievements while planning further personal improvement (metacompetence) are also supposed to be the expected learning outcomes.
2.9.9. Expected learning outcomes are the main reference point both in design of an educational program, and in selection of teaching and assessment methods.
2.9.10. Students have the right to make their comments and suggestions on adequacy and relevance of declared expected learning outcomes to the content of studied disciplines, teaching and assessment methods at any time and in any acceptable way. They can apply directly to instructors of these disciplines, as well as to the head of chair, to representatives of Students’ Bureau on Bologna Process at the faculty, to the faculty Committee on the quality of education or to the University’s Office of methodical work.
2.9.11. All responsible persons are obliged to provide constant feedback from students in the process of achieving expected learning outcomes in order to meet their educational needs to the maximum possible degree, and to ensure continuous improvement and development of educational programs of the university.