2.14.Independent work of students
2.14.1. For proper completion of an educational program, according to the rules of credit technology of education, a student fulfills a large amount of independent work, which is divided into two parts: independent work under guidance of instructor (IWSI, IWMSI, IWDSI), and work that is performed entirely independently.
2.14.2. Independent work under guidance of instructor is the type of independent work of students, which is performed by them in contact with the instructor of discipline in accordance with a separate schedule during office hours of the instructor, approved by the dean of the faculty. This type of work includes consultations on the most complex issues of the curriculum, homework assignments, course projects (works), semester works, reports and other types of independent work tasks.
2.14.3. All independent work assignments should be described in the syllabus of the discipline with indication of particular tasks, their evaluation criteria and schedule of their submission.
2.14.4. A student may not attend classes according to the schedule of office hours, if performance of independent work tasks does not cause him/her difficulties.
2.14.5. Presence of the instructor in the classroom during office hours is mandatory. It is not allowed to substitute office hours with seminars, practical or laboratory sessions.
2.14.6. All types of written works of students are subject to mandatory verification of non-containing of plagiarism. These are the graduating chair and the dean's office that determine the procedure for checking for plagiarism.