2.8. Academic educational program
2.8.1. Preparation of specialists in the university is carried out according to educational programs of higher and postgraduate education.
2.8.2. Educational program (EP) is аn approved set of modules or course units necessary for awarding a specific degree (bachelor, master’s or doctoral).
2.8.3. Development of educational programs is aimed at achievement of expected learning outcomes; content of an educational program includes not only specific study disciplines, but also a structured set of procedures and learning situations, which lead to achievement of intended results.
2.8.4. Educational programs of the university are developed in the areas of education, for which the university has the license permitting educational activity, within the groups of educational programs according to the Classifier of directions of preparation.
2.8.5. Graduating chairs develop educational programs in accordance with National Qualifications Framework, professional standards, Dublin descriptors and European Qualifications Framework.
2.8.6. All educational programs of the university undergo external assessment for inclusion into the National Register of educational programs in accordance with the prescribed procedure.
2.8.7. Educational programs of the university are learning outcomes-oriented. All stakeholders, including students and employers are involved in development and monitoring of delivery of educational programs.
2.8.8. Main principles of development of educational programs at the university are:
- orientation to global trends in development of higher and postgraduate education: multidisciplinarity, student-centered approach, innovativeness, focus on formation of complex thinking and social communications;
- orientation to national trends – internationalization, integration of education, science and production, digitalization, spiritual renovation;
- commitment to KazNU's strategic priorities – comparability with educational programs of the universities that rank in the top 200 of international rankings; matching the university’s strategy.
2.8.9. Academic Senate of the faculty by its decision appoints each educational program’s coordinator, who is responsible for coordinating works concerned to designing, developing and delivering of an educational program oriented to achievement of learning outcomes in accordance with qualification requirements, with involvement of all interested parties, including students and employers.
2.8.10. Following conditions should be considered at launching an educational program: human resourcing; provision of the program with information resources, facilities and equipment; availability of bases for professional practice; information support to the process of delivery of the educational program; methodical provision of delivery of the educational program.
2.8.11. To assure quality control in the process of launching of an educational program, it undergoes the internal university assessment procedure and after that would be sent for external assessment to representatives of employers, public and academic community. The aim of assessment is improvement of the quality of educational programs. Assessment of educational programs is based on the principles of transparency, integrity, consistency in organization of expert work.
2.8.12. Standard approval procedure for any educational program requires its sequential consideration:
- decision of the faculty committee on the quality of education;
- decision of the Academic Senate of the faculty;
- approval by the university service for methodical work;
- approval by the Academic Council of the University;
- approval by the Academic Senate of the university.
2.8.13. Exclusion of an educational program from the catalogue of programs delivered by the University can be initiated:
- by the Academic Senate of the faculty upon the decision to give up delivery of the program;
- by the Academic Senate of the university in the case when there have been no student enrollment to the program within subsequent three years;
- by the Academic Senate of the university upon a negative conclusion of the accreditation agency;
- by the Academic Council of the University in the case when conclusion of the poor quality of delivered educational program was received as a result of some internal or external assessment procedure;
- by the Bologna Process Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK in the case when employment rate of the program graduates is 50% or lower.
2.8.14. Students are enrolled into educational programs from groups of educational programs according to their personal applications. In the period of August 10 to 25 of calendar year, consultants of the Admissions Office help applicants choose programs for study.
2.8.15. It is not permitted to modify the content of educational program (to change study disciplines) after ending of students’ registration to disciplines and generation of individual study plans.