2.21. Final attestation
2.21.1. Final attestation of students at al-Farabi KazNU is organized for different programs of training specialists with higher and postgraduate education in accordance with timescales prescribed by the academic calendar and approved curricula of educational programs.
2.21.2. Final attestation of undergraduate (bachelor’s) programs students is carried out in the form of writing and defense of a thesis (project) or preparing for and passing comprehensive examination.
2.21.3. Final attestation of graduate students (of master’s and doctoral programs) is carried out in the form of writing and defense of master’s theses or projects/doctoral dissertations.
2.21.4. For final attestation of students of all forms of study and training areas, there should be composed Attestation Committees (AC) for corresponding educational programs.
2.21.5. Until October 15 of the calendar year, deans of the faculties propose to the Office of planning and support for the educational process of the Department of Academic Affairs candidates for chairing attestation committees, chosen among professors, associate professors, scientists, instructors, experienced production specialists and teachers with practical experience, corresponding to the qualification of graduating specialists. The candidates should be from external organizations only.
2.21.6. Candidates for chairing attestation committees should be approved by the decision of the Academic Senate of the University no later than November 1 of the calendar year.
2.21.7. Graduating year students get admission to the final attestation no later than two weeks before the final attestation. Admission orders with listings of students must be submitted to the attestation committees.
2.21.8. Students, who complete their studies in accordance with the requirements of program curricula, individual study plans and study programs, and get admission to defense from their supervisors, will be admitted to final attestation.
2.21.9. A graduating year student, who does not fulfill the requirements of the program curriculum, individual study plan and study programs, will remain for a repeated year of study without studying in the summer semester.
2.21.10. Rector of the university approves the attestation committees work schedule; it should be communicated to all interested parties no later than two weeks before the start of the final attestation.
2.21.11. Graduating chairs develop comprehensive examination programs for undergraduate educational programs; the Academic Senate of the faculty and the Academic Council of the University should approve them.
2.21.12. Defense of a thesis / project or master's thesis / project is carried out at the open meeting of attestation committee. Doctoral dissertation defense takes place at the meeting of the dissertation council.
2.21.13. Students are allowed to replace defense of a thesis(project) by taking two comprehensive examinations for the following reasons:
- long-term treatment in hospital for health reasons;
- raising a child under the age of 2 years;
- taking care of sick parents.
To replace defense of the graduate qualification work(project) by taking two comprehensive examinations, the student submits an appropriate application addressed to the rector, signed by the head of graduating chair and the dean of the faculty, attaching supporting documents (extract from the medical history, the child’s birth certificate), no later than 2 weeks before the beginning of final attestation.
2.21.14. The student will be admitted to defend his/her graduate qualification work (thesis / project or master / doctoral dissertation), if the supervisor gives a positive review for the work. If the supervisor gives a negative conclusion “not allowed to defend”, the student does not defend the work and is subject to expulsion from the university as not admitted to the final attestation.
2.21.15. A master’s student should have at least 1 (one) scientific publication on the topic of the thesis to be defended. There should be published at least 7 (seven) scientific publications on the topic of a doctoral dissertation before its defense.
2.21.16. Theses/projects, master's theses / projects and doctoral dissertations undergo mandatory plagiarism checking in the UNIVER system prior to defense.
2.21.17. Results of comprehensive examinations and graduate work defenses should be announced on the day they were held. The attestation committee comes to decision on defense grades, as well as on the award of qualifications and degrees and issue of state diplomas (without distinction, with honors) at its closed meeting by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the committee members participating in the meeting.
2.21.18. It is not allowed to retake comprehensive examinations or defense of the graduate qualification work for increasing obtained positive grade.
2.21.19. For students, who got unsatisfactory grades, retaking comprehensive exam in the same period of final attestation is not allowed. Documents on the state of health submitted to the attestation committee after getting an unsatisfactory grade are not considered.
2.21.20. Chairperson of the attestation committee may permit to postpone the date of final attestation due to the student’s state of health, relying on a 095 / y medical certificate. Then, based on the proposal of the dean’s office, a new date of final attestation should be appointed by order of the rector of the University, but no later than December 31 of the current calendar year.
2.21.21. Deadlines for passing final attestation for students, who are in an international trip at the period of final attestation, are extended upon notification of the dean’s office by order of the rector, but no more than for 1 month after returning from the trip.
2.21.22. Retaking of comprehensive examination, as well as repeated defense of graduate qualification work by students who received the "unsatisfactory" grade, is not allowed in the same period of final attestation.
2.21.23. A student, who gets the "unsatisfactory" grade on the final attestation, will be expelled by order of the rector of the university as "having not fulfilled the requirements of the educational program" and "having not defended the thesis / project, or a master's thesis / project" or "having not passed comprehensive examination".
2.21.24. The student would undergo only that forms of attestation during repeated one in the next period of final attestation, which he had failed to pass (got the “unsatisfactory” degree). At that, the list of disciplines for comprehensive examination for a person, who had not passed these exams, is determined by the program curriculum, which had been approved for the corresponding year when the student was finishing his/her theoretical study.
2.21.25. To re-take the final attestation, a student, who had been expelled from the university, not later than two weeks before the start of the final attestation of the next academic year, applies to the rector of KazNU for admission to those forms of final attestation, on which he/she had been graded “F-unsatisfactory”
2.21.26. Students can retake comprehensive examination or re-defend graduate qualification work only on a paid basis.
2.21.27. If a student passes the final attestation and confirms accomplishment of an undergraduate or graduate educational program, by the decision of the attestation committee he/she will be awarded degree of "bachelor", or "master", or qualification in the corresponding educational program. Within five days from the date of issue of the graduation order, he/she will be given free of charge diploma with supplement.
2.21.28. Supplement to diploma (transcript) indicates the final grades according to the point-rating alphabetic system of grades for all academic disciplines, completed term papers (projects), research or experimental work, types of professional practices, final attestation, with indication of their volumes in academic credits and hours.
2.21.29. To the student, who finishes a doctoral educational program and defends a doctoral dissertation, upon a positive decision of the dissertation council based on the results of the examination conducted, the degree of doctor of philosophy/doctor by profile will be awarded and diploma with supplement (transcript) will be issued free of charge.
2.21.30. Duration of studies in programs of undergraduate and graduate education is determined by the amount of academic credits earned. Upon acquisition of the established amount of academic credits and achievement of the expected learning outcomes, necessary for obtaining the relevant degree, the educational program is considered to be fully completed.
2.21.31. The main criterion for completed training is:
- for bachelor’s programs: earning by an undergraduate student at least 240 academic credits for the entire period of study, including all types of educational activities of the student;
- for 2-year master’s programs: earning by a master’s student at least 120 academic credits for the entire period of study, including all types of educational and scientific activities of the graduate student;
- for 1-1,5-yer master’s programs: earning by a master's student at least 60 (1 year of study) or 90 (1,5 years of study) academic credits;
- for doctoral programs: earning by a doctoral student at least 180 academic credits, including all types of educational and scientific activities.
2.21.32. Degrees of doctor of philosophy (PhD) or doctor by profile might be awarded to doctoral candidates regardless of the length of study in cases of early completion of doctoral educational programs and successful defense of dissertations.
2.21.33. For a student, who has accomplished an undergraduate educational program with grades A, A- “excellent”, B-, B, B +, C + “good”, has the average GPA 3.5 or higher, and has passed comprehensive examination or defended his/her thesis (project) with A or A- "excellent" grade, a diploma with honors is issued. At that, grades for additional types of training are not considered.
2.21.34. Master’s students, who have completed the full course of theoretical study of the educational program, but have not accomplished its research (experimental) component, have the opportunity to gain credits for the research component and defend his/her thesis/project in the next academic year on a paid basis. In such cases, students should pay only for credits of the research (experimental) component, which they have to earn.
2.21.35. A doctoral student, who has completed the full course of theoretical study of the doctoral program, who has completed the scientific component, but has not defended doctoral dissertation, is considered to have achieved learning outcomes and earned academic credits. He/she is given the opportunity to defend his/her dissertation in subsequent years upon payment for 4 (four) academic credits.
2.21.36. Graduates of bachelor and master’s educational programs in addition to the diploma are given a free European Diploma Supplement.
2.21.37. In the case of loss of a diploma or supplement to the diploma, to obtain a duplicate of the document on education the graduate should send a request through e-GOV portal or apply with the relevant application to any Center for Public Services.
2.21.38. In case of loss of the European Diploma Supplement, the graduate should submit an appropriate application addressed to the Vice-Rector for academic affairs to the dean’s office. The dean’s office would issue the European Diploma Supplement in one week after receiving the application.
2.21.39. The university after issuing documents on education to graduates within a month sends information to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) enters these data into the consolidated educational information system. List of graduates is available on the university website.
2.21.40. The university maintains functioning of the electronic system of issued documents on education and stores the electronic database (archive) of degree diplomas, including previously issued ones.