2.15. Research work of students
2.15.1. Research work of undergraduate destudents, master’s and doctoral students is continuation and deepening of their theoretical studies organized directly at the chairs, laboratories, scientific and project departments of the University, at student scientific and technical associations, etc.
2.15.2. Research (experimental) work of a student is independent study of an actual problem of some scientific area corresponding to the profile of the educational program being mastered by the student, which is done under guidance of the scientific supervisor (consultant).
2.15.3. Based on results of his/her research work, a student should publish scientific articles in scientific journals, and should submit the graduate qualification work (thesis / project, master's thesis/project, doctoral dissertation) for public defense.
2.15.4. The purpose of a graduate qualification work at the undergraduate level (thesis/project) is:
- systematization, consolidation and expansion of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of specialization and their application for solving particular scientific, technical, economic and industrial problems, as well as problems of cultural purpose;
- development of skills of conducting independent scientific work and mastering the methodology of scientific research and experimentation in solving investigated problems and issues;
- revealing the student's readiness for independent work in the conditions of modern production, science, technology, culture, as well as defining the level of his/her professional competence.
2.15.5. The purpose of a graduate qualification work at the master's level (master's thesis / project) is:
- systematization, consolidation and expansion of knowledge of the most advanced theoretical and technological achievements of science and practice in the chosen field of specialization;
- mastery of the most advanced scientific methodology in the chosen field of specialization, development of abilities to conduct independent scientific research, to solve specific scientific and practical problems;
- independent investigation of one of the actual problems of the relevant area of science in order to identify and describe new factors, phenomena, relationships or to generalize previously known positions from other scientific standing or in a new context;
- demonstration of the level of scientific / research qualification, maturity of a graduate of the master’s program as a researcher, capable to formulate and solve creatively scientific and practical problems, including interdisciplinary ones.
2.15.6. The purpose of a graduate qualification work at the doctoral level (doctoral dissertation) is:
- independent investigation of an actual problem of one of the areas of science that are of priority importance for development of the country, or of a problem related to implementation of the state development programs;
- obtaining new scientifically based results that solve an important scientific problem, or provide a solution to an important applied problem, or are important for development of specific scientific areas;
- demonstration of scientific expertise, deep knowledge of the studied area, development of skills of theoretical thinking, of the ability to formulate hypotheses and collect information to solve complex problems, development of skills of producing scientific papers of theoretical and applied significance, including interdisciplinary ones.
2.15.7. Supervision of undergraduate theses / projects, professional practices is carried out by instructors, practitioners with relevant higher and (or) postgraduate education.
2.15.8. Supervision of master's theses / projects, doctoral dissertations, scientific internships, research practices is carried out by instructors, who possess at least 5 years of scientific and pedagogical experience, degree of doctor, or candidate of sciences, or Ph.D., or doctor by profile, academic ranks (associate professor (docent), professor) and (or) is actively engaged in scientific research, and (or) scientists, practitioners with scientific publications, relevant to the students’ learning activities.
2.15.9. Students have the right to choose their supervisor / consultant and topic of graduate qualification work, as well as the right to substitute the approved supervisor / consultant and / or topic upon submission of a relevant application addressed to the university rector or vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities.
2.15.10. Scientific supervisors and graduate works reviewers are approved upon proposal of the Academic Senate of the faculty by order of the university rector during the first month of the graduating year of study.
2.15.11. Scientific supervisors / consultants of graduate students are approved upon proposal of the Academic Senate of the faculty and the University by order of the university rector during the first two months after their enrollment.
2.15.12. Professional competencies of the scientific supervisor / consultant of a graduate student should be confirmed by his/her scientific publications in foreign and domestic scientific journals with a non-zero impact factor relevant to the profile of the dissertation research of the student.
2.15.13. Candidates for supervision of undergraduate and graduate students undergo examination of the Department of Scientific and Innovative Activities for compliance with qualification requirements.
2.15.14. Substitution of scientific supervisors / consultants is allowed on both the initiative of students, and supervisors / consultants themselves, if there is a motivated justification submitted for consideration to the Academic Senate of the faculty and Vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities.
2.15.15. Topics of graduate qualification works of students are approved upon proposal of the Academic Senate of the faculty by order of the university rector.
2.15.16. A student may initiate changing of the approved research topic by applying with a motivated justification letter, submitted for consideration to the Academic Senate of the faculty and Vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities no later than three months before the date of the proposed public defense.
2.15.17. Reviewing of graduate qualification works of undergraduate students is carried out only by external specialists from outside organizations, whose qualifications correspond to the profile of works to be defended.
2.15.18. Scientific supervisors / consultants are responsible for providing necessary conditions for conducting students’ research work. They:
- provide access to necessary resources and facilities;
- inform the students about the ethics of conducting research and standards of academic integrity in carrying out scientific work;
- provide assistance and consultations in the process of writing the graduate qualification work;
- provide feedback on the materials submitted by the students;
- organize, when necessary, conducting of the students’ research work in other organizations of education and science, including foreign universities, research institutes, centers, etc.;
- help with preparation of the results of study for publication;
- involve the students to participation in research projects and programs;
- solve other issues related to the students’ research work.
2.15.19. To perform their research work, graduate students, in addition to individual study plans, make and submit for approval individual work plans for the entire period of study, including individual plan of research work; plan of practical training; thesis/dissertation topic with its background and structure; plan of dissertation writing; plan of scientific publications and foreign internships.
2.15.20. Credits of research work of graduate students are distributed by semesters of study.
2.15.21. At the end of each academic period, students present results of their work at a meeting of the graduating chair in the presence of their scientific supervisors/consultants.
2.15.22. During the entire period of study, at each stage of research, results of graduate students’ research work are evaluated using the 100-point scale.
2.15.23. Graduate students in the framework of their individual work plans must undergo mandatory scientific internship, related to the dissertation research, as a rule, in a leading university and / or large research center of near or far abroad.
2.15.24. The program of a foreign scientific internship should be developed in accordance with the student’s direction of study and individual plan of research work, and should be approved by the decision of the Academic Senate of the faculty.
2.15.25. Norms for financing foreign internships of students, whose study is funded in the framework of the state educational order, are established by the relevant regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and by the Regulations on the international secondments of the university students, faculty members and staff.
2.15.26. Graduate students, going to foreign scientific internship, must provide certificate of proficiency in a foreign language (TOEFL, IELTS certificates for English or equivalent for other foreign languages).
2.15.27. Students are responsible for timely quality performance of all types of activities related to their research work, research practices and internships, preparation of graduate qualification works for public defense, in strict accordance with the individual study plans and the academic calendar.
2.15.28. Students, whose results of research work were assessed as unsatisfactory, should complete the necessary credits of research work in the next academic period on a paid basis.