Reading conferences devoted to M. Auezov's 125th anniversary


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In 2021-2022 academic year, at the Faculty of Philology at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kokzhiek club organized the number of reading conferences and round tables devoted to M. Auezov’s 125th. Auezov’s short stories: “Kokserek, “Okygan Azamat”; “Korgansyzdyn kuni” published by the writer in the early 20th were discussed and analyzed. These short storied received a high evaluation from literary critics. Auezov’s stories were analyzed based on the principles of reading and understanding a literary text which is a peculiar feature of the events held by Kokzhiek club. Lyla Musaly, the leader of the club, philologist, made an announcement that these event would be continued within Auezov’s anniversary celebration.

Each event included quizzes, presentations devoted to Auezov’s stories. Aslan Zhaksylykov, a literary scholar, a translator who studied and translated Auezov’s stories, particularly “Kokserek, took part in the conference which was in March. Another event held in April was dedicated to literary and creative links of two stories: “Kokserek” by M. Auezov and “White Fang” by Jack London. The students shared their views about the main idea and literary structure of the stories. These conferences were aimed at popularizing Kazakh people spiritual and literary values through Auezov’s works and instilling moral values in young generation. These events are of a great significance for future philologists.

WhatsApp Video 2022-04-27 at 10.05.50.mp4