research centers


"Computer Linguistics" Resrarch Center

 It was  organized by professor Zh.M. Umatova  director of the center,  PhD, associate.
The main aim of the scientific center "Computer Linguistics" is to  create  and introduce  the  new language technology into the educational process. The main center working direction  is to conduct basic and applied research of human speech-thinking activities based on  various information technologies, as well as to implement the results of all these studies into the educational process at the humanitarian faculties. The Research Center conducts research independently  and in cooperation with scientific institutions, organizations and enterprises of all forms of property within the framework of the research programs based on  linguistic computer technology.

Linguistic Research Center organized by Olzhas Suleimenov.
  It was established in 2015.
The purpose of the center is to study the literary works of Kazakh and Russian writers  of the XX-XXI centuries in the context of Russian-Turkick relationships.
Centre Objectives are to
-determine  Turkick -Slavic parallels in the languages ​​and cultures; 

- to give the scientific intepretation  of the origin of the ancient Turkic languages ​​and scripts;
  - to study  the problems of Turkic and Slavic Studies, 

- to  create  database research on Turkic and Slavonic studies;
  -  to investigate  the scientific contribution made by Olzhas Suleimenov in Turkic and Slavic studies.

The center researchers are also planning to
  participate in scientific competitions in order to obtain grants for fundamental and applied research in the country and abroad and organize  conferences and symposia, exhibitions, thematic meetings. Publishing activity is also included in the center work.

 " Abai Institute"

 It was organized by Professor, Zh.D. Dadebayev, Ph.D. Director Center.
The center activity is mainly related to the study of Abai's  literary  works,  his worldviews and  profound philosophical vision.
  The center researchers have  developed  interdisciplinary paradigm and the  structural integrity of  Abay’s doctrine in the course of interdisciplinary studies of Abai’s creative legacy. The principles of interdisciplinary study and aesthetic perception of the creative legacy of Abai were formulated and  the essence of Abai’s doctrine was determined. The procedure of axiological analysis of the national value of Abai’s creative legacy was proposed. The practical recommendations  to  create   multimedia technology for the popularization of Abai’s creative works were made.  The center researchers have  also developed the recommendations how to summarize   the conceptual foundations of the Abai’s creative legacy. The method of studying the factors that influenced the formation of national and universal values ​​of Abai’s creative legacy was developed. More than 15 video lectures on Abai’s life and creative  work were  prepared.