SCOPUS journal articles



Department of Russian Philology and World Literature


 № Title of the article Authors Year Name of the journal
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1 The tendency of word usage in the modern Russian and Kazakhstan media Kiynova Z., Sansyzbaeva S., Ahmetzhanova A.Kapasova D., Muratbayeva I. 2018 Xlinguae   The article discusses the features of the use of modern language Slavonic words in newspapers. On the material, collected from the newspaper subcorpus of Russian National Corpus, active language describes the processes that are most clearly reflected in the media. On the basis of the analyzed context, the author draws conclusions about the main trends of the modern use of somatic Slavonic words and stylistically marked verbs describing the same type of situation. There are given the examples of figurative rethinking of biblical terms as a result of various associations, reflecting the value ideas of a modern democratic society.
Сансызбаева С., Ахметжанова А. статья в скопусе с
 2  The structure of the literary probelm in the formation of the local text substrate
 Bayanbaeva Z.A., Sinyachkin V.P., Dzholdasbekova B.U., Bakhtikireeva U.M.   2020    Media Watch  The article aims to study the structure of the literary problem in the formation of the local text substrate. The study uses the methodology of studying the language when it changes in time and space. The article explains the basics of the methodological support of the translation complex and the structure of its application in private studies of foreign cultures and communicants. The results of the study showed the possibility of interaction between the subjects of linguistic exchange and the dynamics of the translation and literary component. The novelty of the study is determined by the fact that the work defines methods that can be used not only by local researchers but also by foreign-speaking communicants. The research results can be used in practical activities to bridge the gap between understanding the local text in translation studies and its structuring in the local versions of individual authors.  Баянбаева Ж., Джолдасбекова Б. статья в скопусе с

Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies

Title of the article Authors Year Name of the journal Abstract Link
1   Speech interference generated by proverbs and phraseological units of the Russian and Chinese languages

Akbembetova AishagulYeskaliyevna, Bekkozhanova, Gulnar

Hismetollayevna, Shengelbayeva Nurzhamal Rakhimzhanovna, Bekeyeva Nuraisha, and Askarova Saule Askarovna

2021 International Journal of Society, Culture & Language (IJSCL) To express their thoughts in Russian, students should have language resources in their active vocabulary, the consolidation of which in memory is advisable based on the skills of their native language. The most important role in teaching students a non-native language is played by transfer, which is one of the central categories of psychology. Russian and Chinese mentalities have different, sometimes opposite features, which make it difficult for Chinese students to learn Russian. The phenomenon of transfer occurs and exists during language contact regardless of the will and desire of bilinguals. As a result of the transfer phenomenon, interference and its cause are that certain areas in the linguistic picture of the world are preserved, to which the proverb and phraseology belong. The authors believe that proverbs should be attributed to the category of fixed expressions of the language and studied from the standpoint of general

Oppositions in the conceptual and linguistic category of time

Tulegen Merkibayev, Zhanar, Gulnar Bekkozhanova, Aiman Koblanova, Guliya Alikhankyzy,

 2019    Opción34(85-2), 116-148. Recuperado a partir de  The article analyzes the representation of oppositions in conceptual and linguistic category of time. The field approach to the analysis of semantic and metaphorical oppositions has been applied here in order to research the category of tense. The nuclear conceptual and semantic oppositions, their national linguistic peculiarities connected with polychronism and monochronism of the examined cultures are defined. In lexical and phraseological "representation of time" the metaphorical component is allocated with such models as "time – eternity"; "time – river/water"; "time – space"; "time – man"; "time – female"; "time – animal" where the binary nature of human perception of surrounding reality is also exhibited.

 3    Mythological realism of Anatoly Kim as a construct of the schism Safronova L., Zhanysbekova E
 2018  Przeglad Wschodnioeuropejski ISSN 2081-1128  Abstract: The article, in the psychoanalytic and cognitive aspect explores the principle of constructing the poetics of a grotesque novel by Anatoly Kim “Centaur settlement”. The novel is based on the connection of the incompatible, the synthesis of contradictions, characteristic of the schizophrenic schism: namely, mythological realism, man/beast, nomad/agriculturist, hysteria/obsession, the Christian archetype of God – the punisher/rescuer, etc. The appeal to the author’s myth has the function of neutralizing oppositions, “escaping into health” – to a holistic worldview of a person and society.



Biz birgemiz, or revisiting the diversification of Russian language in Kazakhstan


Suleimenova, E.D., Akanova, D.K., Aimagambetova, M.M. 2021

Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics, 2021, 12(1), стр. 7–22

The criteria for pluricentric languages, generalized by the Working Group on Non- Dominant Varieties of Pluricentric Languages (WGNDV), as well as our earlier condition of tightness, opacity, incomprehensibility of Kazakh Russian were used to discuss the possibility of its gradual formation. Two main conclusions were made: a) the Russian language of the post-Soviet space currently meets the criteria for pluricentric languages; b) the Russian language in Kazakhstan is going through rapid and noticeable diversification processes. The arguments of Kazakhstani linguists who assert (B.Kh. Khasanov, E.A. Zhuravleva, D.D. Shaibakova, etc.) or deny (Z.K. Sabitova, A.K. Kazkenova, etc.) the qualifications of the Russian language as variant in Kazakhstan - a country of long-term and massive Kazakh-Russian bilingualism. Generations of Russian speakers (monolinguals - ethnic Russians, Koreans, Ukrainians and others and bilinguals - Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Uighurs and others) with a dominant Russian or a dominant ethnic language - are involved in the processes of Soviet Russification and modern Kazakhization with different effects. Nowadays the diversification of the Russian language in Kazakhstan is taking place against the background of a fundamental change in the status and functional state of the Kazakh and Russian languages; reducing the number of native Russian speakers; fundamental changes in Kazakh-Russian bilingualism, reflected in the crisis of the linguistic identity of a part of Kazakhstanis, in a linguistic shift towards the Russian language (Koreans, part of Kazakhs, Ukrainians, small ethnic groups, etc.) and a turn of the linguistic shift of Kazakhs; strengthening the position of the Kazakh language in business, culture, education, mass media, interethnic communication; the changed vector of influence of languages (Kazakh Russian) and the openness of the Russian language for oral and written borrowings, especially in media texts; finally, new communication needs of Kazakhstanis. The long-term linguistic and cultural borderland, which forms the internalized conceptual-mental picture of the world inherent in Kazakhstanis, has become a fundamental factor stimulating the diversification processes of the Russian language in Kazakhstan.

Department of Foreign Languages


Title of the article 



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Photosynthetic activity of triticum dicoccum × triticu aestivum alloplasmic lines during vegetation in connection with productivity traits under varying moister conditions

Terletskaya N.V., Stupko V.Y.U., Altayeva N.A., Kudrina N.O., Blavachinskaya I.V., Kurmanbayeva M.S., Erezhetova U.


  Institute of Experimental Botany, ASCR

  Drought is a key stressor under global climate change conditions around the world. Triticum dicoccum Shuebl is a species with high potential drought tolerance. Photosynthesis is the primary physiological process affected by water deficit. Rapid light curves (RLCs), recorded using PAM-fluorometers, appear suitable for drought tolerance determination in breeding material. Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters at different vegetation stages, morphophysiological traits, and their relationship with the productivity were analyzed in nine alloplasmic lines (allolines) of T. dicoccum Shuebl × T. aestivum L. partially exposed to drought conditions.


Preparing future primary school teachers for trilingual teaching with clil technology

Gulnaz Kydyrbayeva     Assel Stambekova   Urazgaliyeva Svetlana   Nurekeshova Gulsim   Matzhanova Gulvira


  World Journal on Educational Technology

  The purpose of this research is to evaluate the readiness of future primary school teachers for trilingual teaching with CLIL technology. Qualitative research method was used in the study. A semi-structured interview form prepared by the researchers was used to collect the data. 160 teacher candidates studying at various universities in Kazakhstan in the 2020-2021 academic year participated in the research. As a result of the research, it was determined that the primary school teacher candidates' readiness for trilingual instruction with CLIL

technology was insufficient.


Teaching online enantiosemia and word diffusion aspects during the coronavirus pandemics

Aisulu Nurtayeva – Gulmira Abdirassilova – Makbal Karbozova – Eker Suer – Sandugash Rakhimzhanova



The article’s primary goal is to demonstrate in the online teaching of language the

philological aspects of the system and patterns of the occurrence of enantiosemia in

the language to students. The article shows how language theoretical aspects can be

taught in online learning. It also gives definitions of enantiosemic words for this

purpose: to study their origin in the language system; to analyze the position in the

text due to a change in syntactic meaning; tasks such as determining the nature of

word formation, the study of the lexical stability. Enantiosemia occurs mainly in the

form of interstitial diffusion