"Actual problems of modern linguistics and humanities"

 On March 26, 2021 at the RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(Moscow) the XIII All-Russian scientific and methodical conference "Actual problems of modern linguistics and humanities sciences" with international participation will take place (http://science-ifl.rudn.ru/ru/vserossiiskaya-nauchno-metodicheskaja-konferencija/).
Founders of the conference: Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University (Russia), Faculty of Philology, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia), Faculty of Translation, University of Granada (Spain), Russian Center of the University of Granada (Spain), Higher Institute of Languages ​​of Tunisia, University of Carthage (Tunisia), University del Norte (Paraguay), al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan).
The purpose of the conference: To bring together leading scientists in the field of linguistics and related humanities in order to exchange views on the evolution of modern languages ​​and linguistics in the context of the development of interdisciplinary approaches to the problems of intercultural linguistic interaction.




Publication date :  3/3/2021