Academic mobility of students from al-Farabi Kazakh National University on the basis of the Institute of Economics and Management


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From February 4 of this year students from the al-Farabi Kazakh National University  (KazNU) are studying at the Institute of Economics and Management as part of academic mobility.

KazNU is located in Almaty, Kazakhstan and has a long-standing partnership with our University.

Presently,  students of the Management and Marketing Department of the Higher School of Economics and Business of KazNU Erbolova Ayim, Dosay Sanzhar, Tulekbayeva Kuralay are studying in the second year of the  “State and Municipal Management” study course and students of the Recreational Geography and Tourism Department of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management of KazNU Adilbai Bekzat, Shanbai Ilesbek, Sarsengali Merey, Paudenova Gulmira are studying in the second year  of the "Tourism" study course.

The program of stay of students from KazNU involves not only studying, but also participation in cultural and scientific events. Apart from this, our guests are happy to take part in information sessions held by the Institute in order to interest our students to take a semester education universities of Kazakhstan.

Students are very pleased to share their impressions about Belgorod State University and talk about the features of studying in KazNU.

“ Semester education in partner universities gives students the opportunity to get acquainted with different educational systems and to exchange experience, which in the future will allow them to feel more confident in employment", – Larisa Nikolaevna Shmigirilova, Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics and Management.