Название ОП |
8D04106 - Management |
Область образования |
8D04 - Business, Management and Law |
Направление подготовки |
8D041- Business and Management |
Группа образовательных программ |
8D041- Business and Management |
Цель |
High-quality training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of management, having a high civic position, able to manage processes and human resources, shape the company's strategy, be able to determine strategic and operational tasks and achieve them using managerial tools, using modern IT-technologies |
Язык обучения |
Kazakh, Russian, English |
Объем кредитов |
180 |
Присуждаемая академическая степень |
Doctor of Philosophy PhD educational program "8D04106 - Management"
Результаты обучения |
Upon completion of this program, graduate students are expected to be able to: 1 to develop new methods, techniques, approaches to management theory during and as a result of fundamental research in the field of management, using modern scientific and methodological tools for strategic analysis, human resources management, staff motivation, principles and functions of management theory; 2 to give recommendations and suggestions during the course of applied research, evaluating and forecasting scientific projects in the field of topical theoretical and practical problems of the global economy, development of markets and economic entities, managing people, innovations and organizations; 3 to conduct a critical analysis of socio-economic phenomena and, on its basis, to develop economic and mathematical models of business management that will have the ability to predict markets, economic activity and profitability of organizations; 4 to develop and implement modern management technologies using soft tools, digitalization of significant management functions that contribute to the development of the organization, increase its effectiveness and competitiveness, improve image and reputation; 5 to develop methodological support for the educational process, conduct various types of lectures and seminars based on the use of interactive technologies in both traditional and distance learning based on the creation of an adaptive system for ensuring contacts with the target audience according to the criteria of permanence, reliability, impact effectiveness, proactivity, responsiveness feedback. 6 to conduct high-quality master classes, classes on training employees of the organization with modern educational and methodological approaches to management, evaluate the effectiveness of the results of perception by employees of training sessions, using various methods for assessing and certifying employees; 7 to use the tools of strategic analysis for the development of strategic thinking of the head of the organization associated with the economic, managerial, innovation and production activities of the organization; 8 to systematize, process and analyze data on the state of human personnel, salary levels, modern methods of motivation, social programs for the preparation of instructions and standards on the concept of selection, motivation and development of the organization’s personnel; 9 to develop systems of scientific communications within the framework of the “knowledge triangle” when creating, mastering, disseminating and using the transformation of innovative products and services, carrying out analytical and prognostic activities in the framework of the implementation of the policy of scientific communication; 10 to formulate the innovative policy of the organization with the coordination of ultimate goals with available resources, implement innovative projects and submit reports on the results of innovative activities of the organization; 11 integrate interdisciplinary knowledge into the research process, contribute through original research, expand the scope of existing knowledge in the field of management, reflect it in national and international refereed publications; 12 conduct scientific discussions taking into account scientific ethics and within the corporate culture with a wide scientific community and employers about managerial problems, types, methods, management consulting technologies, areas of application of these methods, present the results of research of the scientific community, correctly, tolerantly and effectively interact with society |
Для абитуриентов |
https://welcome.kaznu.kz/ru/education_programs/doctorate/speciality/1604 |
Академическая деятельность |
The academic activities of the OP are carried out: Under the Education Act; - On the basis of the Model Rules for the Activities of Educational Organizations Implementing Educational Programs of Higher and Postgraduate Education; - On the basis of the State General Standards of Higher and Postgraduate Education; - On the basis of the Standard Rules for Admission to Education in Educational Organizations Implementing Educational Programs of Higher and Postgraduate Education; - on the basis of orders of the Higher School of Economics and Business; - on the basis of Educational and methodological complexes for each discipline of the Educational Program; - based on the plan of the educational process (academic calendar). The Department interacts with the Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Union of Project Managers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There is a branch of the department on the basis of the LLP "NCP ID Group (Innovation Development Group). Main areas of activity: 1. Joint activities of the Parties in the field of educational activities, conducting joint research and projects, improving the skills of employees, internships and practices on the basis of the principles of mutual respect, equality, institutional independence and mutual benefit; 2. Updating and improving the content of educational programs in accordance with the needs of production; 3. Mutual assistance of the Parties on employment of graduates of Al-Farabi KazNU; 4. Joint activities based on additional agreements between the Parties and in accordance with the agreed action plan. On the basis of the Department of Management there is a Center for Management and Business Education https://www.kaznu.kz/ru/18918/page/ The Centre provides services in the following main areas: Advanced training: - Conducting scientific and methodological seminars for the PPP of higher educational institutions; - training for employees of business structures, educators, civil servants in the field of project management; - conducting trainings for students, undergraduates, doctoral students. PhD - scientific research, including the implementation of contractual projects commissioned by enterprises. |
Научная деятельность |
To effectively implement the scientific activities of doctoral students, the Higher School of Economics and Business has a Scientific and Methodological Council, which monthly discusses the scientific results of doctoral students of the school for the planned period of time. Research units operate at the Higher School of Economics and Business, in which doctoral students are engaged in research activities. Doctoral students develop an Individual Curriculum for three years, according to which they work on scientific publications that should be published in journals recommended by COXON RK, the Scopus base, to participate in international scientific and practical conferences. Doctoral students conduct research at Research Institutions of Kazakhstan. The Department "Management" of the Higher School of Economics and Business of KazNU named after al-Farabi expands the research work of doctoral students through the annual competition of research works in the specialties "Management," "State and Local Administration". |
Международная деятельность |
Within the framework of the approved Individual curriculum, doctoral students undergo a mandatory internship on the topic of dissertation research in leading universities of near and far abroad, meeting with a foreign scientific consultant, discussing the writing of dissertation work. Within the framework of various forms of cooperation, the Department of Management interacts with the following foreign partner universities: 1. University of Applied Sciences Inholland, Netherlands; 2. Split University, Croatia; 3. Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland; 4. European Social Science Foundation, Spain; 5. Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Germany; 6. Vilnius State University, Lithuania; 7. Novosibirsk National Research State University, Russia; 8. Swiss School of Applied Sciences in Economics and Management; 9. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; Washington State University, USA; GBSB Global Business School, Spain. Belgorod National Research University (Belgorod, Russia) Ka Foskari University. (Venice, Italy) University of Pisa (Italy) URFU named after the first President of Russia B. Yeltsin. Harbin Commercial University (PRC) https://www.kaznu.kz/ru/15999/page. |
Обеспечение качества (Аккредитация, рейтинг, работа с работодателями) |
The Quality Assurance System of KazNU named after Al-Farabi is based on the European Standards and Directives of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). The Center for Accreditation and Quality of Educational Programs monitors and evaluates the quality of educational services at the University. The educational program "8D04106 - Management" passed the National Specialized Accreditation. The Department of Management consistently develops interaction with potential employers - they know exactly what knowledge and skills their employees need today, and what they will need tomorrow. It should be noted that the employers are representatives of both scientific organizations, business structures, and authorities. Representatives of professional communities are members of the educational commissions of the department, taking an active part in the development of educational programs. In addition, employers have been involved in the work of state certification commissions for several years, which allows us to objectively assess the level of training of University graduates. https://www.kaznu.kz/ru/21706/page. |
Supporting Documents:
1. Закон Республики Казахстан «Об образовании» (№319-III от 27 июля 2007г. в редакции Закона РК от 02.07.18г. № 170-VI ЗРК).
2. Типовые правила деятельности организаций образования, реализующих образовательные программы высшего и послевузовского образования (Приказ МОН РК №595 от 30 октября 2018г.).
3. Государственные общеобязательные стандарты высшего и послевузовского образования (Приказ МОН РК №604 от 31.10.2018г.).
4. Правила организации учебного процесса по кредитной технологии (Приказ МОН РК №152 от 20.04.2011г., с изменениями №563 от 12.10.2018г.),
5. Типовые правила приема на обучение в организациях образования, реализующих образовательные программы высшего и послевузовского образования (Приказ МОН РК №600 от 31.10.2018г.)
6. Нормативно-правовые акты МОН РК.
7. Академическая политика Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби. 2021/2022.
8. Внутренние нормативные документы университета.