Our 70th anniversary!
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Sagiyeva R.K., d.e.s., Acting Professor, Dean of Higher School of Economics and Business |
Высшая школа экономики и бизнеса: вчера, сегодня, завтра |
Доклад декана Высшей школы экономики и бизнеса.pdf
Aubakirova Zh.Ya., d.e.s., Professor; Aitbembetova A.B., d.e.s., associate professor of the Department of Economics |
Вехи большого пути: экономическому факультету университета 70 лет |
Yelemesov R.E., d.e.s., Professor of the Department of International Relations and World Economy at the Faculty of International Relations, Dean of the Faculty of Economics 2001-2005. |
Экономический факультет КазНУ им. аль-Фараби: время и люди |
Yermekbayeva B.Zh., c.e.s, Acting Professor of the Finance Department, Dean of the Higher School of Economics and Business 2009-2017. |
Экономикалық білімнің қара шаңырағына 70 жыл |
Zhatkanbaev E.B., d.e.s., Professor of the Management and Marketing Department, Dean of the Faculty of Economics 1991-1999, 2005-2008 |
Формирование высшего экономического образования в годы независимого Казахстана в КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Kaliyeva A.E., PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics |
Ұстаз ұлағатына тағзым |
Lee V.D., d.e.s., Professor of the Finance Department |
О творцах экономической науки в Казахстане |
Tulegenova M.S., d.e.s., Professor of the Department of Economics |
Кафедра политической экономии сеяла рациональные зерна знаний и духовности |
Tumbay Zh.O., c.e.s., Associate Professor of Management and marketing Department |
Истоки успехов кузницы кадров экономистов современной формации | Тумбай Ж.О. статья.pdf |
Congratulatory letters
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Full text of congratulations |
Sagintayev B.A., Head of Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Администрация Президента РК.pdf |
Politechnika Rzeszowska (Poland) |
Institute of Economics of the Committee of Science MES RK |
Narxoz University |