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Berik Arailym, a first-year student at the Higher School of Economics and Business of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, has become one of the best students in the CIS. At the International online conference on sports, art, education and science "Genius" Arailym was awarded the 1st degree diploma, the badge "The best student of the CIS" and was included in the book "Zhas Kyran". |
On April 24, 2021, with the support of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan in online format on the Microsoft Teams platform was held a subject interuniversity Olympiad in finance, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the L.N. Gumilyov. Olympiad was organized by the Faculty of Finance of the L.N. Gumilyov. The first place was taken by a team of students of the specialty "Finance" of the Higher School of Economics and Business of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Scientific supervisor Supugalieva Gulnazim Islamovna, senior lecturer of the Department "Finance and Accounting". |
Kozhakhmetova Assel Kosherbayevna, a senior lecturer at the Department of Business Technology, won the competition "The best young scientist" of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, which took place from 6-8 April in 2021. |
On April 12, 2021 at 16:00, within the framework of the solemn meeting organized online in honor of the Science Day, Deputy Dean on Research & Innovation Affairs and International Relations, PhD of the Higher School of Economics and Business, PhD Aknur Zhidebekkyzy was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University for her contribution to the development of science and innovation. |
A 3rd year student of the Department of Business-Technologies of the specialty "Logistics" Dias Koshetayev won a scholarship named after Academician Sh. Yessenov 2021 y. Scientific and Educational Foundation named after Academician Shakhmardan Yessenov held a competition for the provision of 17 monthly student scholarships for 27,000 tenge. Koshetayev Dias has excellent academic performance, takes an active part in the general life of the department and the university, always shows interest in scientific research, competitions, and also volunteers. |
On March 5, 2021, at a meeting of the Academic Council of the University, Dean of the Higher School of Economics and Business, Doctor of Economics, Acting Professor Rimma Sagiyeva was awarded the badge of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan "Meyirim" for her contribution to strengthening public harmony and national unity. The badge was presented by the Chairman of the Board - Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseyit Tuimebayev. |
On February 10, 2021, Head of the Department of “Business Technologies” of the Higher School of Economics and Business, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Akhmetova Z.B. was awarded the medal of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University “Eren enbegi ushin” for her contribution to the development of our university. |
Deputy Dean of the HSEB on Research & Innovation Affairs and International Relations, PhD Zhidebekkyzy A. became the owner of the state scientific scholarship for young scientists (2020). |
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of "Economics" Bulat Mukhamediyev became the owner of the state scientific scholarship for scientists (2020) |
Deputy Dean of the Higher School of Economics and Business on Academic Affairs & Educational Work, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Leyla Bimendiyeva and Acting Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting, Candidate of Economic Sciences Saria Baymukhanova were awarded the medal of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University "For Valiant labor" for their contribution to the development of our university! |
Al-Farabi KazNU Islamic Finance Scientific and Educational Centre at the HSEB of al-Farabi Kazakh National University was awarded as the winner of the Best Emerging Islamic Finance Education Provider 2020 award, in recognition of the contribution of al-Farabi Kazakh National University to the development of best practices in the field of Islamic Finance. |
The Deputy Dean of the Higher School of Economics and Business for Research-Innovation Affairs and International Relations Aknur Zhidebekkyzy was awarded the diploma "The Best Young Scientist at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University." |
Students of the specialty "Economics" took second place in the X Republican student subject Olympiad (2018) |
Students of the specialty "Finance" took the third place in the X Republican Student subject Olympiad (2018) |
The winners of the republican student subject Olympiad on the topic "Innovative idea - the path to success!":
On specialty "Management": 1 place - "Bossy Group", 2 place - "Unity";
On a specialty "Marketing": 1 place - "Order X", 2 place "Eleven";
On specialty "State and local administration": 1 place - "Congress", 2 place - "The Millenials" (2018)
Students of the specialty "Management" under the leadership of Asanova A.D. won the competition "The Best Student Group" (2018) |
2nd year students of the specialty "Marketing" took 1st place in the III International competition of student research papers in the field of marketing and sociological research (2018) |
Doctor PhD Kondybaeva S.K. received a diploma of 3 degrees in the nomination "Best Article" (2017) |
Senior lecturer of the department Accounting and audit Kogut O.Y. received the certificate of a professional accountant (2017) |
Teacher of the department Accounting and audit Kishibaeva B.S. awarded a diploma for 3rd place in the international pedagogical competition "Teacher of the XXI Century" (2017) |
Master student Nazarbay Erkin awarded a diploma in the nomination for "Best Scientific Style" in the I International Scientific Competition of Young Scientists "The Eurasian World in the Scientific Search for Youth" (2017) |
Associate Professor of the Department "Accounting and Audit" Tovma N.A. was awarded a diploma of the third degree in the I international scientific competition of young scientists "Eurasian World in the Scientific Search for Youth" (2017) |
The Higher School of Economics and Business is the center of fundamental education, which provides training of qualified personnel in economic specialties in Kazakhstan. The leading European accreditation agency FIBAA has confirmed the high quality of the 24 educational programs of the Higher School of Economics and Business. The Higher School of Economics and Business carries out work on the programs of two-diploma education and joint educational programs: with the University. Robert Schuman (Business School "Strasbourg School of Management" - France), Amity (India), in the magistracy - with the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (PFUR (Russia) and Novosibirsk State University (NSU (Russia), URFU (Russia), International School Marketing in the sphere of Lux (France), UNIRAZAK (Malaysia), "Public Administration and Public Security." And also in the Higher School of Economics and Business lectures by foreign professors: Professor Pierluigi Montalbano (University of La Sapienza, Italy), Professor Hong Kim (Hoseo University, South Korea), PhD, Professor Peter Hayek (U Bohemia, Czech Republic), PhD Konstantin Schamber (Center for Strategic Intercultural Communications, Germany), PhD Anna Trifilova (University of Exeter, UK), etc. Our graduates successfully work in the Ministry of Finance, the National Bank of Kazakhstan, the Treasury, leading commercial banks, Tax committees, companies and firms, investment and insurance funds, state and local government bodies, entrepreneurs support fund "Damu", NPP "Atameken", etc. Among them there are well-known graduates of the Minister of Education and Science EK Saadiev; Deputies of the Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan: G.Zh.karasova; G.M. Iksanova; Rector of the University "Turan" RA Alshanov; Rector of the University of International Business, A.Abishev; Rector of the Eurasian University of the Market A.Sh.Nursseit; Deputy Akim of Almaty city Ye.A. Aukenov; Ә.A.A. Zhunisova and others |
1 place in the institutional ranking among the HEIs participating in the NAAR rankings for training specialists in the field "Economics and Business" |
The first place in the nomination "Uzdik kiiz ui" on the holiday of Nauryz of KazNU named after Al-Farabi |
3 place in the traditional purity contest in the nomination "Best Faculty of KazNU named after Al-Farabi" |
2 place in the nomination "KazNU named after Al-Farabi the best building" |
A letter of gratitude for participation in the contest "Uzdik kiiz ui" of KazNU named after Al-Farabi |
The specialty "Finance" based on the results of independent rating agency ARTA in the direction of master level education took the first place in 2015 on the Republican level. |
The specialty "Finance" based on the results of independent rating agency ARTA in the direction of bachelor level education took the first place in 2015 on the Republican level. |
The specialty "Economics" based on the results of independent rating agency ARTA in the direction of PhD level education took the first place in 2015 on the Republican level.
The specialty "Economics" based on the results of independent rating agency ARTA in the direction of bachelor level education took the first place in 2015 on the Republican level.
. The specialty "Economics" based on the results of independent rating agency ARTA in the direction of master level education took the first place in 2015 on the Republican level.
Honorary medal in honor of the 80th anniversary of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi
- Ermekbaeva B.Zh., Dean
- Tulegenova MS Doctor of Economics, professor
- Sagieva R.K., Doctor of Economics, professor
- Kazbekov B.K., Doctor of Economics, professor
- Baydildina A.M., Doctor of Economics, professor
- Muhtarova K.S., Doctor of Economics, professor
- Muhamediev B.M., Doctor of Economics, professor
- Sadyhanova G.A., Candidte of Economics, Associate Professor
- Sarbasova T.S., Candidate of Economics, Professor
- Bimendieva LA, candidate of Economics., Associate Professor
- Kazbekova Zh.B., Ph.D.
Muhamediev B.M. - Doctor of Economics, professor-emeritus Academician NAS RK
Tovma N.A., Doctor (PhD) - finalist of the International Competition "Best Young Scientist of Eurasia." Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan 18-19 December 2014 International competition for young scientists from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Armenia conducted by the Union of Young Scientists and Specialists of Eurasia, with the support of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education and Science Republic of Tatarstan.
2nd place in the category "Best yurt KazNU"
2nd place in the competition "Student spring-2014"
Prize in the nomination "The best faculty Kazakh National University. 3-ranked in 2012 2nd place in 2013, the 2-position in 2014. |
The letter of thanks for active participation "in the category Best yurt Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi" in 2014
Certificate 150 000 tenge for the 2 place in the contest "Student Spring 2013"
Certificate for laptop for the 2nd place in the contest "Student spring 2014"
Certificate for 100 000 tenge for the 3nd place in the contest "Student spring 2012"
Diploma for the 2nd place in the university contest “100 kitap”.
“Student spring 2011” - second place.Victory in the following nominations:
- 1-placethe best presenter
- 2-placebest dance group
- 2-placethe best vocal-instrumental ensemble
- 2-placethe best patriotic song
- 2-placethe best author's work
- 3-placethe best performance of a musical instrument
“Student spring 2010” - second place
Victory in the following nominations:
- 1-placethe best leading pair
- 1-placebest dance group
- 2-placebest production
- 2-placethe best author's work