Delegation from Khatlon State Medical University to KazNU


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The Department of Health Policy and Management, as the host country, held several training seminars, including a campus tour of KazNU. Also, our Tajik colleagues visited a simulation center, where they got acquainted with how practical skills are practiced among students and, in general, how to conduct the OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) procedures.

Also, a delegation from Tajikistan visited one of the clinical bases, the "Aruana" rehabilitation center, where the doctors of the center discussed the multidisciplinary approach to the rehabilitation of patients of various profiles, about modern trends in rehabilitation, and also the role of students - future doctors having internships in the center and taking an active part not only in training but also in the work of multidisciplinary teams.

The result of such an excursion was the desire of our guests to organize a similar center in Tajikistan. For the future, further plans were outlined for cooperation with the Department of Health Policy and Organization.