Сommittee history


History of foundation
The Ethical Committee of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Care was organized in 2016 and was registered at the United States Office for Human Research Protections (IRB00010790 al-Farabi Kazakh National University IRB # 1). During 2016-2018 the Ethical Committee reviewed over 40 research projects of international organizations and employees, PhD and Master students of al-Farabi KazNU.
In the summer of 2018, the Ethical Committee was included in the structure of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Care.

The purpose of Ethical Committee:

Protection of health and well-being of those who are involved in research, creating guarantees for their safety and respecting fundamental rights.

Objectives of Ethical Committee:

1. Conduct an independent ethical and legal examination of clinical and non-clinical research materials with the participation of people as objects of research.

2. Evaluation of the scientific validity of conducting research with the participation of people and expected efficacy and safety of the studied technologies, medicines, tools and methods for obtaining data.

3. Conformity assessment of the research program (design, randomization method, etc.), the qualifications of researchers and the technical equipment of the research center to the rules of Good Clinical Practice (GCP).

4. Regular supervision of the course of the study after obtaining of approval to conduct it.

5. Alert researchers and other interested parties about serious adverse reactions or risks to research participants.

6. Providing training for members of the Ethical Committee.

Functions of Ethical Committee:

The Ethical Committee reviews and evaluates research protocols, information for a participant and a form of informed consent, professional experience of researchers, research centers, and other documents in relation of human rights, principles of fairness, usefulness, confidentiality and absence of harm for participants. The term of application processing is up to 30 days.