
Youth media and information literacy and national security


"Kazakh Universiteti"  publishing house has published the book by scientists of al-Farabi Kazakh National University Akhmetova L. S., Verevkin A.V., Lifanova T.Y. . "Media and information literacy among youth in the sphere of ensuring national security". The edition is intended, first of all, for the younger generation of the country, for teachers, journalists, employees of the press services, students and undergraduates of humanitarian specialties, scientists-researchers.


Universities of Kazakhstan and Mass Media support gender-oriented approach in journalism


The principles of gender equality are actively implemented in Kazakhstan. UNESCO Chair in Journalism and Communication, KazNU Al-Farabi, in partnership with the International Program for the Development of Communications of UNESCO and the United Nations Entity UN-Women, performs a set of tasks aimed at enhancing the competencies of journalists, press officers, and new media users in the field of supporting gender stability.


Warm meetings in Poznan


  In mid-July of this year, teachers of the department visited the city of Poznan, Republic of Poland. They took part in celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of one of the leading universities in Europe - Adam Mickiewicz University. The delegation was received by the vice-rector of the university, doctor of political sciences, professor Tadeusz Wallas. The faculty of political sciences and journalism held meetings with students and teachers. We talked with the dean of the faculty, doctor of political sciences, professor Andrzej Stelmakh:


Open lecture


Open lecture. The subject of «Production». 4 course «Public Relations». Lecturer Ph.D., Assoc. Tlepbergenova A.A.


Lecture. The main types of socio-cultural projects. Features of financing socio-cultural projects.

Lecture Plan:

1. The basic concepts of socio-cultural design.

2. Technologies for the development of socio-cultural projects on the example of the development of socially-oriented projects.

3. Financing of socio-cultural projects and programs.

Lecture Assoc. Tlepbergenova A.A. began with an explanation of projective work as a category of innovative, creative activity. It involves the transformation of reality, is built on the basis of appropriate technology, which can be unified, mastered and improved. Next, various types and configurations of projects were presented: business projects, political, social, socio-cultural projects. Understanding the goals and objectives of technology for developing socially-oriented projects is important for the work of a PR specialist in the field of production. These projects optimize a person’s lifestyle (assistance in mastering cultural technologies, for example, mastering a new profession, new means of communication, type of cultural and leisure or artistic activity, etc.).
The lecture noted that projects always have the following features:
• they are aimed at achieving specific goals;
• they include the coordinated implementation of interrelated activities;
• they have a limited length in time, with a certain beginning and end;
• All of them are to some extent unique and unique.


Sustainable journalism requires a dual education system


Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университетінде «Тұрақты даму мақсатындағы халықаралық журналистиканы оқыту модельдері» тақырыбымен өткізілген халықаралық конференцияда БАҚ өкілдері, халықаралық ұйымдар мен ғалымдар отандық және әлемдік журналистиканың даму үрдістерін және таяу болашағын талқылады.


"Organization and holding of a press conference"


	October 7, 2019 in accordance with the schedule of open classes approved by the Department of
 UNESCO, international journalism and media in society, senior teacher N. B. Mukhamedieva. 
We took part in an open lesson on the topic "Organization and holding a press conference" on the theme "Special events". The lesson was devoted to the propaganda of a press conference on the topic outlined in the program.


Public Relations Specialist Alisher Elikbaev visits KazNU


On October 13, 2019, a grandiose event was held dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The week of International Journalism and Public Relations at the Faculty of Journalism was dedicated to the university’s anniversary. In this regard, one of the leading experts in the field of public relations, AlisherElikbaev, held a master class at our special invitation.