ІТ a seminar for teachers of Faculty of Oriental Studies

The volunteers of international organisation KADO who have arrived on chair корееведения on January, 13-14th 2010года have spent ІТ a seminar for teachers of faculty on a theme «Use of program Power Point on employment». The seminar has been organised by chair Korean Studies Oriental Studies faculty. The seminar purpose was to acquaint teachers of faculty of oriental studies with the newest programs and ways of an effective utilisation of the above-named program.

The seminar has begun with short theoretical acquaintance and has proceeded practical tasks with which teachers have coped with ease. In spite of the fact that the seminar was spent in English and Korean languages, thanks to transfer of the teacher of chair Korean Studies the language barrier between volunteers and teachers was not felt as Toganovoj Shynar. Teachers with a great interest carried out of the task and learnt to use the program in practice. At a seminar program Power Point 2007года has been used that is a novelty recently. Volunteers of Miras and Damir worked with teachers over creation of schemes, diagrammes, tables in format Power Point for their audio-visual use during employment at faculty.

In the end of a seminar volunteers have organised a small quiz about Korea on which teachers of other chairs answered with the big activity. Volunteers have noticed that teachers of other chairs are well enough familiar about a cultural plenty of Korea. In the end of a quiz the most active participants of a quiz have received the small Korean souvenirs prepared by volunteers of chair Korean Studies.

After a seminar the taken part teachers have noticed that such seminars are very useful also them it is necessary to spend whenever possible more often.