In the framework of the Winter School, from 5 to 7 February 2019, a master class was held by the visiting professor of the Department of Health Policy and Organization Grzhibovsky A.M. "Modern methods of analyzing biomedical research data: from sample design to presentation of results in public


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     The main feature of this master class is the availability and friendliness of the presentation of complex material, contributing to a good perception of the material in the presence of minimum basic knowledge of medical statistics, which are taught in medical school. A large number of examples and tasks for joint implementation with the teacher provides a good survival of knowledge and creates the necessary basis for self-processing of own data at a sufficient level for international publications, as currently multidimensional methods of statistical data processing are used in more than 90% of scientific articles published in leading foreign biomedical journals, and multidimensional methods occupy a leading position.

     In the Kazakh and Russian editions of multivariate methods of data processing are rare. However, in many universities in the post-Soviet space, the use of not only one-dimensional, but also multidimensional methods is already strongly recommended in the preparation of theses. In European universities it is almost impossible to defend a thesis without the use of multidimensional methods. Taking into account the lack of sufficient mathematical training of health care professionals, the main task is to show which method should be used in practice, depending on the objectives of the study and the type of data available without a detailed study of the formulas. Particular attention was paid to the interpretation of the results of the application of certain methods of data processing and methods of their presentation.

Information about Teacher:

      Grzybowski Andrey Mechislavovich – Director of the Central research laboratory of Siberian state medical University (Arkhangelsk, Russia); Professor, Department of public health, health care, General hygiene and bioethics, North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk); Senior adviser, National public health Institute of Norway (Oslo, 2005-2017), Professor, University of tromsø (Norway, 2008-2013), Head of programs “Norway Grants” in Portugal, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Hungary and Estonia, member of the Board of the European Epidemiological Federation (2011-2017), Director of Arkhangelsk international school of public health (2008-2014), Consultant-expert of the who on the effects of climate change on health in the Russian Federation (2010-2011) and the Republic of Kazakhstan (2011-2012). Current member of editorial boards of "World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology", "World Journal of Dermatology", "Studies on Ethno-Medicine", "Journal of Health Development", "Traumatology and orthopedics of Russia".

     International editor of the journals "human Ecology", "Narcology", "Mental health", "Science and Health" Author of more than 500 scientific papers, most of which are published in international journals. H-index for Scopus-20, Web of Science -18. Under his leadership, more than 40 PhD students were defended as a foreign scientific consultant.