Dear candidates, wishing to act on the Master and Doctoral programs!


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Appendix 2.docx


Dear candidates, wishing to act on the Master and Doctoral programs!

Al-Farabi Kazakh National university in obedience to an order MON RK from October, 31, 2018 №600 "Model rules of reception on educating in organization educations realizing the educational programs of after university education" opens a reception of documents for master and PhD on the stage of preselection. Preselection is the obligatory stage at a receipt on the programs of master and PhD. Preselection is conducted in a period from February, 1 for March, 31 2019 on the educational programs for Master:



  • ·        «Public Health»
  • ·        «Medicine»
  • ·        «Nurses»
  • ·        «Clinical Psychology»
  • ·        «Doctor-Researcher»
  • ·        «Management in Health Care»
  • ·        «Jurisprudense in Health Care»
  • ·        «Psychology in Health Care»
  • ·        «Social Work in Health Care»
    • ·     «Bioinformation in Health Care»


Profile direction with the term of educating 1-1,5 year, scientifically-pedagogical direction, with the term of educating - 2


PhD Programs:

  • ·        «Public Health»;
  • ·        «Medicine»;


Positive sides of your program:


1. Our the educational programs have international accreditation - certificate of ASIIN.

2. The programs are harmonized with the educational programs of leading world universities (John Hopkins University, University of Arizona, University of Yence and other).

3. The teachers of leading world universities (The USA, Canada, Germany, France, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, China, Finland, Russia of and other) are invited 3. Teachers have Treasury diplomas of the universities included in Топ-200 according to rating of "Times High Educaition" (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy; The University of California, Berkeley, University of Leeds).

4. Scientific internships for student are conducted in foreign Institutions-partners

5. The student is give a right for the choice of profile of preparation (there is strengthening of health and prophylaxis of diseases, economy of health, scientific researches in area of health protection, epidemiology of and other).

6. The programs are worked out with participation employers, taking into account highly sought of graduating students at the market of labor.

7. Comfortable charts and forms of educating (internal, with the controlled from distance component, remote, departure in regions)


Documents for Master Degree:

1. Statement addressed to the leader of organization (Appendix 1)

2. Certificate of identity (copy).

3. Copy of documents about higher/послевузовском education

4. Certificate from the place of studies (for the students of final courses of universities).

5. Resume (personal data, experience, education, skills, completed course, seminars, participating in projects, knowledge of foreign languages).


Documents for PhD Degree:

1. Statement addressed to the leader of organization (appendix 1)

2. Certificate of identity (copy).

3. Copy of documents about higher education (for the graduating students of past years).

4. Certificate from the place of studies (for the students of final courses of universities).

5. Resume (personal data, experience, education, skills, completed course, seminars, participating in projects, knowledge of foreign languages).

6. List of scientific, scientifically-methodical to the publication, on a form

7. Annotation of dissertation research in Russian/Kazakh language (appendix



Serve of documents for preselection to 20.03.2019г.

Delivery of certificate of preselection of 30.03.2019г.

Documents are accepted to address: Алматы, street of Тимирязева of 5А, faculty of medicine and health protection.

From another city habitants can send documents on an e-mail:; On arising up questions it is possible to apply by phone: 8 701 465 6961, 8 707 431 6857, 8 777 221 0090, 8 778 312 1516

 Appendix 1.docx

Appendix 2.docx

Appendix 3.docx