«Айналанды нұрландыр»

3 March 2016g with the aim of greening the fifth floor Foyer of the hull, Faculty of biology and biotechnology, advisers of the Department of biotechnology along with the students organized the planting of potted plants. Plants, aptly chosen and placed with good taste, create a psychologically correct, positively affect the mood of the people, give the room an original flavour, except this lesson room floriculture is one of the types of creative leisure, possibility of simple and accessible tools to create a unique atmosphere. Engaging students in this case is necessary because today particularly acute mankind is faced with the need to change their attitude towards nature, the restructuring of all its activities, its organization in a manner consistent with environmental laws. This cannot be achieved without a proper upbringing and education of the next generation, without the formation of ecological culture of the individual and society.

Advisers Sadvakasova A.K., Akmuhanova N.R., Kirbaeva D.K., Kistaubaeva A.S.

Publication date :  3/19/2016