KA107-2019 Project Mobilities Kick-off, Together Again, Together for More


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Event Title:

KA107-2019 Project Mobilities Kick-off, Together Again, Together for More


Neverland Room on Microsoft TEAMS Platform


See pdf. attached


Introduction to the Project and Topic of the Event:

On the morning of January 12, the kick-off of the activities of the Erasmus extra-EU mobility Programme involving the University of Salento with three prestigious partners from Albania, Kazakhstan and China was held online. The project foresees, in the next two years, exchanges of more than 30 among professors, administrative staff and students of the universities involved, thanks to a funding obtained in 2019 by the University of Salento within the EU’s Erasmus+ KA107 Programme, which aims at involving non-EU citizens and organisations in mobility and exchange actions.

At the beginning of this new year, still characterised by the difficulties of the pandemic, the launch event of the mobility activities of the project meant to set the ground for a first, auspicious meeting between all the protagonists of the project. Although the outbreak and the prolongation of the spread of Covid-19 has first interrupted and then postponed the planning of the exchanges, the project team of the departments of the University of Salento involved (Engineering for Innovation, Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies, and Humanities) and their partners have never stopped, having the intention and the perspective of preparing everything necessary for the restart of mobility, also making use of all the experiences, means and methods of interaction learnt during this year. The virtual kick-off is exactly the result of this approach, of these logics and, above all, of the determination of the partnership to inaugurate a new phase of the already consolidated collaborations in student, teaching and administrative staff exchanges grown during these years with the University of Vlorë in Albania, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University of Almaty and the Jinan University of Guangzhou in China.

The event opened with an introduction to the project and the greetings of the Directors of the three Departments involved, Prof. Ficarella (Engineering for Innovation), who provided some brief information on the project, Prof. Valli (Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies) and Prof. Guido (Humanities).

This was followed by the institutional addresses and the reciprocal presentation of the universities involved, opened by Prof. Rosita D'Amora, Delegate for International Projection, and continued with the three speeches by the project coordinators of each department and their counterparts, who presented in detail the exchange and mobility activities in progress.

For the University of Salento, Prof. Genesin and Prof. Bianchi spoke about the exchange activities between the Department of Humanities and the Department of Foreign Languages of the "Ismail Qemali" University of Vlorë, Prof. Specchia for the exchange activities between the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies and the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of the "Al-Farabi" Kazakh National University, and Prof. Petti for the exchange activities between the Department of Engineering for Innovation and the School of Management of Jinan University.

The event concluded with a space dedicated to questions from students and staff beneficiaries of the mobility grants.

The attentive participation of almost 60 people from 4 Countries, including students, lecturers, administration and teaching staff representatives, demonstrates the strong will to stay in touch in these difficult times that do not allow people to stay physically close. The virtual initiative is therefore just one more, still symbolic, step to prepare to start the exchanges, as the Scientific Coordinator of the project Prof. Claudio Petti said, "on the very first day the current situation will allow".

KA107 Project Kick-Off Agenda FIN 11-01-2021.pdf