A series of lectures of professor from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University D.M. Matorin for doctoral students and young scientists


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From 22.11.2019 to 13.12.2019, at the invitation of the Dean of the faculty of biology and biotechnology of al-Farabi Kazakh national University, doctor of biology, Professor B. K. Zayadan, a Russian biophysicist, Professor of Moscow state University was at the Department of biotechnology with a series of lectures for doctoral students and young scientists. M. V. Lomonosova, doctor of biological Sciences Dmitry Nikolaevich Matorin. His research interests are related to the study of mechanisms for regulating photosynthesis by environmental factors, and research of marine phytoplankton using fluorescent methods. During his stay at our University, Professor D. N. Motorin delivered a series of lectures on biomonitoring of the natural environment and biotesting using fluorescent methods.