The fight against the pandemic, which poses a serious threat to the world, continues in our country. We have united our efforts to protect the lives and health of citizens. The fight against the epidemic was carried out thanks to the noble qualities inherent in our wise people. It was obvious that it is important to reach out to others, to be willing, to resist the unexpected pain. The form of distance learning today, regardless of time and space zones, forms and implements a system of continuous general education of the general public independently, mutual exchange of information. In addition, the distance learning system is designed for social situations (students, civilians and soldiers, and the unemployed ...) ensures a person's right to education and information, regardless of whether they live in any region of the country or abroad. It ensures the right of a citizen of the country to education and meets the needs of society, only this system is as effective and flexible as possible. Based on the above factors, Distance Learning is the most effective system of training and maintaining a high level of qualification of specialists in the XXI century. Opportunity to study in parallel at universities in Kazakhstan and abroad; Independence of the student from the geographical location of the University. Unlike traditional learning environments, new electronic technologies not only actively involve the student in the learning process, but also allow them to control this process. The integration of sound, complexity, image and text creates a new, rich, unusual learning environment, and as it develops, the number of students participating in the learning process increases. Now, depending on the current time, different approaches to obtaining higher education are emerging. There is no denying that they are all equally ineffective. One of them is the system of distance education. This is a world that has emerged with the development of Information Technology. Distance education technologies are based on conducting distance learning classes in the "online", "offline" mode. It should be noted that distance education is very important at the moment. In countries with information and digital technologies, this form of Education has long been consistent. Of course, the advantages of distance learning are that distance learning is often very effective for those who want to improve their knowledge and those who have a busy job. After all, here you can get or supplement your knowledge without interrupting your work.
In conclusion, the task is to provide education in accordance with the requirements of the time, not to lose sight of constant innovations, and to follow in the footsteps of developed countries. Kazakhstan's policy of not lagging behind the advanced countries has a positive effect. One of them was the implementation of distance learning in emergency situations through information tools, television, the internet, and various programs. There is every reason to believe that this is one of the best steps for future generations. Now, further quality management of the educational process in the process of distance learning is a matter of high status and importance.
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Publication date :  5/26/2021