Law department
Before you materials that allow you to become better acquainted with the Law Faculty of the Kazakh National University named after Al -Farabi. Profession: Lawyer is a complex , difficult, but very interesting and respected profession , which you can dedicate your whole life and be proud of your choice .
Established in 1934 the Faculty of Law has experienced many periods of reform and renewal. Currently, at the Faculty of trained specialists in the field of jurisprudence and Customs.Preparation of students is carried out on the basis of secondary and higher education. Law students may also enroll in master's and doctoral PhD.
Acting Faculty of Law has a strong scientific potential to solve the most complex scientific and practical problems. The faculty has one academician of NAS RK , 30 doctors and professors, 80 associate professors and specialists of high qualification practice of Parliament, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan , the Presidential Administration, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan , the Academy of Sciences and law enforcement. Many of them are fluent in foreign languages , were trained in universities in the U.S. , Europe , Turkey, etc.
Faculty of Law a permanent organizer of international and national conferences on topical issues of the state and law , as well as the annual Republican legal Olympiad among students of Kazakhstan. The faculty has the oldest library in Kazakhstan, where there is a rich fund of scientific and educational literature , including archival materials . Students preparing for classes in specialized reading rooms , including undergraduates and graduate students, has enough computer labs equipped with modern computer technology , as well as "nternet room".
Faculty of Law with the support of the Soros Foundation Kazakhstan opened and successfully operates Student Legal Clinic , where the best students give legal advice to the public. Faculty of Law - an interesting and rich student life in student scientific circles, KVN , in amateur , in the summer camp at Lake Issyk -Kul. Continuously held sporting events and competitions.
Among law graduates leaders of judicial RK, prosecutors , Ministry of Internal Affairs , Financial Police , Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan . Our graduates are actively recruit students to go the legal faculty.