Центр "Проблем борьбы с преступностью среди несовершеннолетних"

The center of problems of fight against crime among minors within academic year increase of legal culture of minors and contribution to prevention of offenses held various events according to the approved plan directed on the solution of a complex of criminological, criminal and legal and organizational problems of the theoretical and applied character connected with functioning and improvement of system of the prevention of crimes, committed by minors, on development of scientific bases of social, training and other programs of the social help by the minor victim and resocialization of the minors who have committed crimes, reduction of means of counteraction of crime of minors in compliance with the international standards. The center I conducted researches in the field of problems of fight against crime of minors, I participated in limits of the competence of the organization of work on identification and social rehabilitation of minors and the families being in socially dangerous situation, rendering to them the help in training and education of children. I interacted with bodies and establishments of system of prevention, with public associations and citizens on the questions connected with prevention of neglect and offenses of minors and protection of their rights and legitimate interests.