Anti-Corruption Student Club

Anti-Corruption Student Club

About the activities of Anti-Corruption Student Club of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Anti-Corruption Student Club of Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology of the Law Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (ASC) is a voluntary association of students, undergraduates, doctoral students of the Faculty of Law, established to achieve the goals and objectives of the fight against corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

ASC has its history back to 2009.

So the goals and objectives of the activities of ASC are:

- comprehensive study of corruption as a social and legal phenomenon on the basis of existing theoretical developments, the provisions of existing national, foreign and international legislation;

- identification of the extent of corruption in the education system, as well as the ideas of students and lecturers about the nature of corruption, the causes of its existence and the problems of countering it;

- working out specific proposals to prevent corruption in all spheres of public and political life, especially in the education system;

- drawing public attention to the negative consequences of the spread of corruption in the education system;

- formation of persistent rejection of corruption in the student community as an illegal way to achieve the desired result;

- development of specific skills, abilities and competencies of students in the field of research of complex, inter-sectoral nature of corruption, as well as the acquisition of students’ experience in the preparing and conducting specific criminological research;

- assistance to students involved in corruption in any sphere.

The activity of ASC is based on the principles:

- volunteerism;

- independence;

- legality;

- objectivity;

- collegiality;

- transparency and openness.

During its existence, the club has carried out numerous actions to attract public attention to the problems of combating corruption. On a permanent basis, flashmobs are held.

More than 25 round tables, more than 40 meetings, 7 national conferences, 7 annual forums, 2 international correspondence conferences were held.

At the initiative of ASC, a Memorandum of students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on combating corruption was signed.

Also the club develops methodical recommendations about the organization of anti-corruption education in educational institutions, at the moment they have published 1 educational manual and 2 methodical recommendations.


Work PLAN of the anti-Corruption student club of al-Farabi Kazakh

national University based on the Department of criminal law, criminal procedure and criminalistics for

the 2020-2021 academic year

№ п/п


Purpose of the event

Date and time of the event


Responsible person



General meeting of ask participants with students of the faculty

Informing students of the faculty about the goals and objectives of the activities, activities of the ask, attracting new members to the ask

4.09.2020 у


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Essay contest: "Why am I against corruption?»

Identifying the positions of students of the faculty on the problem of fighting corruption

11.09.2020 у– 31.09.2020 у.

Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.

Collection of essays


Round table " Modern ways to fight corruption»

Informing students about the activities of the organization in the field of fight against corruption

14.09.2020 у.,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Научный семинар «Зарубежный опыт борьбы с коррупцией»

Formation of research interests

26.09.2020 у.,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Debate "who is to blame for corruption – the" taker "of a bribe or the" giver " of a bribe?

Finding out the position of students

9.10.2020 у


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Meeting with an employee of the internal Affairs bodies

Clarification of the situation in the fight against corruption in the internal Affairs bodies

16.10.2020 у.


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Flashmob " We are against corruption»

The attraction of public attention to problems of struggle against corruption

24.10.2020 у,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.

Report, Image article


Republican interuniversity conference,

5 section

" Actual problems of fighting corruption crimes»

Understanding of legislative regulation of anti-corruption activities by students and members of the ASC, exchange of students ' views on corruption

29.10.2020 у.


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.

Collection of materials


Fifth annual round table " Features of applying special knowledge in the investigation of corruption crimes

Deepening students ' knowledge about the problem of fighting corruption, in particular with the peculiarities of applying special knowledge in the investigation of this group of crimes

12.11.2020 у,



Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Speech by members of the ASC with lectures in secondary educational institutions of Almaty

Forming students ' anti-corruption position, familiarizing them with the legislative consolidation of this problem, as well as conducting career guidance

14.11.2020 у-30.11.2020 у.

Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Competition for the best wall newspaper about corruption

Involvement of students in the fight against corruption

16.11.2020 у-31.11.2020 у.

Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Meeting with an employee of the Prosecutor's office

Clarification of the situation in the fight against corruption in the Prosecutor's office

29.11.2020 у,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Fifth annual round table dedicated to the International anti-corruption day

" Corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems and solutions»

Deepening students ' knowledge about the problem of fighting corruption

06.12.2020 у,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.

Collection of materials


Open lecture "Reasons and ways to fight corruption" in the house of students No. 18

Deepening students ' knowledge about the problem of fighting corruption, forming a strong rejection of corruption by students

14.12.2020 у,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Competition of essays on anti-corruption issues

Involvement of students in the fight against corruption

17.12.2020 у-29.12.2020 у.

Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.

Collection of materials


Meeting with a law enforcement officer

Clarification of the situation in the fight against corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan

24.12.2020 у,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Scientific seminar " Current state of corruption crime in the Republic of Kazakhstan»

Deepening students ' knowledge about the problem of fighting corruption

21.01.2021 у,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Meeting with the representative of the customs

Clarification of the situation in the fight against corruption in the customs authorities

23.01.2021 у,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Second annual correspondence international conference " Problems of combating corruption in the context of globalization»

Exchange of experience in fighting corruption with students and young scientists from other Universities

30.01.2021 у.

Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.

Collection of materials


Flashmob " We are against corruption»

The attraction of public attention to problems of struggle against corruption

31.01.2021 у,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.

Image article


Проведение анкетирования на предмет наличия/отсутствия коррупционных проявлений в ВУЗе

Finding out the facts of the presence/absence of corruption in the University

01.02.-28.02.2021 у.

Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.

Report with the application of the survey data


Offline seminar with the participation of teaching staff of foreign Universities "Modern ways to counter corruption»

Clarification of the situation in the fight against corruption in the judiciary

6.02.2021 у


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Meeting with a representative of the judicial authorities

Clarification of the situation in the fight against corruption in the judiciary

14.02.2021 у,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Competition for the best wall newspaper dedicated to corruption

Involvement of students in the fight against corruption

17.02.2021 у-28.02.2021 у.

Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Debate " Corruption in higher Education-myth or reality?»

Involvement of students in the fight against corruption

27.02.2021 у.,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Fifth annual round table " Lawyer as a subject of anti-corruption»

Involvement of students in the fight against corruption, interaction between student scientific clubs

6.03.2021 у,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Action "We are against corruption" on the Arbat in Almaty

Attracting the public to the problems of fighting crime by distributing leaflets, balloons with the mottos of the ask

14.03.2021 у.,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.

Image article


Issue of methodological material devoted to the problems of fighting corruption

Consolidation of successful anti-corruption methods and tools used by ASCS

16.03.2021 у– 16.04.2021 у.

Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.

Methodical recommendation


Meeting with a representative of the justice authorities

Clarification of the situation in the fight against corruption in the justice system

30.03.2021 у.,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Встреча с представителями Transparency Kazakhstan

Informing students about the activities of the organization in the field of fight against corruption

5.04.2021 у,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Scientific seminar " Foreign experience in fighting corruption»

Involvement of students in the fight against corruption

12.04.2021 у.,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Fifth annual Republican Forum of students and young scientists " Corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems and solutions»

Understanding of legislative regulation of anti-corruption activities by students and members of the ASC, exchange of students ' views on corruption

25.04.2021 у.,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.

Collection of materials


"We are against corruption" campaign at al-Farabi KazNU

Attracting students of all faculties of al-Farabi Kazakh national University to the problems of fighting corruption by holding a flash mob

28.04.2021 у.,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.

Image article


Essay contest: "Why am I against corruption?»

Identifying the positions of students of the faculty on the problem of fighting corruption

1.05.2021 у– 16.05.2021 у.

Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.

Collection of essays


Meeting with representatives of the Almaty city bar Association

Identifying the positions of students of the faculty on the problem of fighting corruption

Informing students about the activities of the organization in the field of fight against corruption

16.05.2021 у.,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Scientific seminar " Modern means of fighting corruption»

Formation of research interests

23.05.2021 у.,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.



Flashmob " We are against corruption»

The attraction of public attention to problems of struggle against corruption

26.05.2021 у.,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.

Image article


General meeting of the members of the Association, the leadership of the faculty

Summarizing the results of the ASC's activities for the 2017-2017 academic year, developing recommendations for improving the work of the ASC for the next academic year

29.05.2021 у.,


Members of the ASC, students of 1-4 courses of the faculty

Kabdrashev T. B.




Head of the anti-Corruption student club

teacher of the Department of criminal law,

criminal procedure and criminalistics                               Kabdrashev T.