"Fariza - Queen of Poetry"

Evening of poetry called "Zhyr padishasy - Fariza"  

("Fariza - Queen of Poetry") 


            12/11/19 at 17.00 o’clock in the framework of the project "100 Kitap" ("100 books"), organized by students of 3-4 courses of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the TURKSOY Department, a poetry evening was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the famous Kazakh poet F. Ongarsynova.

            The purpose of the event is to familiarize students with the work of the poet in the framework of the project “100 Kitap” (“100 Books”) and attract them to reading.

            During the evening, 3rd year student Seydaly Alina read a report on the biography of the poet Fariza Ongarsynova and presented a slide. In addition, students of 3-4 courses took part by reading such poems as “Zhyldan zhylga sireude dostarim da” («Жылдан жылға сиреуде достарым да»), “Zhetimkhana” («Жетімхана»), “Men sonda zhylap kalgam” («Мен сонда жылап қалғам»), “Perzent paryzy” («Перзент парызы»), “Unatyp yem” («Ұнатып ем») etc.

            3rd year student Baidollaeva Laura quenched the thirst for the guests of the evening by singing the song “Men kazak kyzdaryna kayran kalam“ («Meн қазақ қыздарына қайран қалам»). Towards the end of the evening, the 1st year student Sarmantayev Amanbai with Mukagali Makatayev’s monologue “Fariza” and the 4th year student Zhumakeldina Madina with the monologue of Fariza Ongarsynova “Kettіn. Yendy zhanyma jeanashyr kim? ” («Кеттің. Енді жаныма жанашыр кім?») read expressively and presented a picture of the works.

            At the end of the event, the head of the department, Turksoy Kydyrbaeva Umit Tursynbaevna, noted that the evening was at a high level, thanked the students and their curators, and wished them creative success and expressed hope that such evenings would continue.


Curators-advisers of 3-4 year students of the  

department Turksoy A.Zh. Nazarova and G. К. Tеmenova.

Publication date :  12/18/2019