Literary evening “Mukagali - eternal life”

02.08.2024. at 15.00. 2nd - 4th year students of the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Turksoy Department, a literary evening “Mukagali - Eternal Life” was organized, dedicated to the work of Mukagali Makatayev. At the literary evening, students got acquainted with the life and work of Mukagali Makataev and read his poems. In addition, students were asked questions related to the life and work of the poet, and games were played. At the end of the evening, songs based on the poet's poems were performed.


A. Zh. Nazarova, Shunshina –Meta N.M.,

Zh.A. Abeldayev curator-advisers

Department of Turksoy Faculty of Oriental Studies

Publication date :  2/12/2024