Turksoy students' day off at the theater

On February 19, 2023, together with the 2nd year students of the TURKSOY department, in order to effectively spend the weekend and within the framework of the "Spiritual Revival" program, they visited the Kazakh Academic Drama Theater named after M. O. Auezov, where they watched the comedy performance of M. Nurmagambetov "Khoja Nasreddin is alive".

This production suggests the idea of uniting the entire Turkic world through the image of the famous folklore hero of the Turkic world Khoja Nasreddin, calling the Turkic peoples to unity. Khoja Nasreddin's desire to live 799 years and reach modernity, together to solve the problem of Turkic unity with descendants living at that time, reminded of the postmodern aspect. Linking the past and the present, the director of the play perfectly combined meta-textual harmony. They especially applauded the acting skills of the famous artist Bekzhan Turys, who successfully played the image of Khoja Nasreddin.

After the performance, the students had a delicious dinner in a cafe and shared their impressions of the performance. In general, our day off was very interesting and useful.

 Curator-adviser of the 2nd year

Departments of TURKSOY Abildaev Zh. A.

Publication date :  2/22/2023