8D05107 Phytobiotechnology

Educational program

8D05107 Phytobiotechnology

Field of education

8D05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics

Direction of personnel training

8D051 Biological and related sciences

Group of educational programs

D082 Biotechnology

EP purpose

To train scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the highest qualifications, capable of innovative in the field of phytobiotechnology, carrying out theoretical and applied research and development at a high level, which make a significant contribution to the creation of new ideas, approaches and methods in the field of phytobiotechnology - plant breeding, food, perfumery, cosmetic industry, phytopharmacology, processing of plant raw materials.


The program is aimed at the formation of a specialist of the highest category, capable of:

- generate and interpret new knowledge as a result of original scientific research in the field of industrial, medical, agricultural phytobiotechnology,

- apply innovative biotechnological methods

in the field of plant biotechnology, plant breeding, food, perfumery, cosmetics, phytopharmacology, chemical processing of plant raw materials and in other related areas,

- capable of initiating a scientific project or organizing development and production in order to create a biotechnological product based on modern biotechnological methods

- apply the complex of acquired knowledge and skills in the management of biological science, in organizational work in production and in various types and at various levels of management in practical activities

- to present at a high level the results of their research to the world community; listen to the opinions of others in the team and be able to defend their point of view

Language of education

Kazakh, Russian, English

Volume of the credits


The awarded academic degree


Educational outcome

ON1 Conduct experimental laboratory or field studies to assess the properties and quality of plant raw materials or biotechnologically obtained phyto products using modern physiological, biochemical, molecular genetic methods, standards and software based on computer analysis, a gene expression database, genome libraries and genetic maps.


ON2 To improve methods for obtaining phytopreparations using the latest technologies and methods in the production of products from plant materials in order to optimize processes and increase the efficiency of the production process for obtaining the final product, taking into account the biological role of secondary synthesis substances, chemical modification and transformation of their molecules, which are biologically necessary for synthesis on their basis active derivatives for medicine, cosmetics and perfumery,


ON3 Apply modern technological methods, including in vitro cell and tissue culture for clonal micropropagation and healing of plant material through thermal and chemotherapy in combination with the cultivation of apical meristems, culture of isolated protoplasts, experimental haploidy, obtaining regenerated plants from pollen calli to expand the genetic basis, facilitating and accelerating the breeding process, as well as for the design of fundamentally new forms of plants


ON4 Introduce technologies for preserving the gene pool of rare and endangered medicinal species, cryogenic preservation of seeds and cell cultures of ornamental and fruit and berry crops, ensuring the stability of all genetic characteristics of a crop of interest for the food, pharmacological and agricultural industries using cryopreservation technology


ON5 To create new lines and varieties of agricultural crops and medicinal plants with high productivity, quality, biosynthetic indicators, using traditional breeding methods and innovative genetic engineering methods, methods of directed chemical and physical mutagenesis


ON6 to form a plan for the sale, commercialization of the products obtained from plant raw materials as a result of the production process using highly efficient modern equipment, and registration of a patent, copyright for the developed phytoproduct technology


ON7 To manage scientific research in the field of phytotechnology or the production of a phytoproduct, to create effective methods of management and organization of scientific activity or production at various levels of management, listening to the opinions of others in the team, at the same time defending their opinion on ways to solve scientific and industrial problems in this area


ON8 Carry out standard and certification tests of raw materials, finished products and technological processes, testing in laboratory and field conditions to assess the quality of the resulting phytoproducts, analysis of the main ingredients of plant products, components of raw materials and finished products


ON9 Draw up expert opinions on scientific projects, publications, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages, fundamentality and applied aspects to identify existing problems in the field of phytobiotechnology, formulate new problems and find ways to solve.


ON10 To develop a curriculum, educational and methodological materials through the use of modern methodological techniques and innovative teaching technologies in higher educational institutions, taking into account, determining the individual trajectories of education of students, researchers, taking into account world trends and strategies for the development of higher education, builds the educational process taking into account the national priorities of Kazakhstan, showing commitment to the highest social values and ideas of humanistic pedagogy.


ON11 Plan and logically structure the text of a scientific article, put forward hypotheses and argumentation, applying the scientific style of presentation to present substantiated research results, conclusions in the form of presentations, reports and scientific publications in the rating journals included in the international databases Thomson-Reuters or Scopus, as well as in national and international peer-reviewed publications


ON12 Be able to adapt to new situations, to plan for changes in order to improve experiments to solve scientific problems in the relevant industry, to be trained to conduct scientific research or acquire other professional qualifications; to cooperate and take on social and ethical obligations.

For applicants



Academic activity

The key principle is laid at the basis of academic activity: to promote the development of scientific and creative potential, its leadership, an active life position aimed at solving the problems of phytobiotechnology. The priority tasks in this direction are:

- presentation of the theoretical and practical methodological basis of knowledge on plant biotechnology;

- ensuring a high-quality educational process in the field of phytobiotechnology that meets high standards and aimed at training specialists using classical and modern methods of phytobiotechnology;

- training and education of qualified specialists - PhD doctors in phytobiotechnology, highly qualified specialists capable of managing a scientific project or production department / workshop, applying innovative biotechnological methods in the field of plant biotechnology, plant breeding, food, perfumery, cosmetic industry, phytopharmacology, chemical processing of plant raw materials and in other related areas.

The program also provides academic training for future teachers, including pedagogical practice with the participation of teachers and psychologists. Conducting pedagogical activity requires the teacher to have special competencies, professional experience and very serious training, both theoretical and practical.

Academic mobility:

During their studies, they have the right to use opportunities for academic mobility and can be sent to a scientific internship, or to summer schools for training in this area of training, including conducting joint research. The university has cooperation agreements with the following universities:

- "Belgrade State University" Russia;

- "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin" Russia;

- -Hong Kong University of Science and Technology;

- -Johns Hopkins University

- - Moscow State University. Lomonosov

- UCL (University College London), (Great Britain);

- University of New Hempshire (USA);

- Sabanci University, Faculty of Engineering & Natural Sciences (Turkey)


The teaching staff who will conduct classes in the educational program "Phytobiotechnology" fully complies with clause 12. academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD and Doctor on the profile of the Rules for licensing educational activities in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 2.06.2007 N452. 

Scientific activity

Directions of scientific work

1. Ecological physiology of plants, phytoremediation - Atabaeva S.D., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

2. Molecular foundations of plant productivity, the creation of new genetically stable sources of spring wheat with a high protein content in the grain, with high bioavailability of macro- and microelements and productivity - Kenzhebaeva S.S., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

3. Biotechnology of medicinal plants, introduction of new species, food products with dietary supplements from medicinal plants - "Curt Stevia Plus", a method of producing probiotic bread. - Asrandina S.Sh. , Ph.D., Acting Prof.

4. Biotechnology of aquaculture - Yernazarova G.Ye., Ph.D., associate professor.

5. Biotechnology of haploids - Turasheva S.K., Ph.D., Acting Prof.


Scientific projects: MES RK GF Identification of crops resistant to heavy metal ions and salinity for cultivation on saline soils contaminated with heavy metals (2012-2014), MES RK 0590 / GF4 Study of the trace element composition and physiological and biochemical characteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L. ) in conditions of environmental pollution with cadmium ions to identify varieties that are promising for cultivation in ecologically unfavorable regions of Kazakhstan (2015-2017), Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 074 / GF "Creation and study of mutant wheat lines for identification of breeding-valuable forms and new alleles of genes that control key adaptive properties" (2012-2014), 2. National project of the IAEA TS KAZ / 5002 "Improvement of wheat and corn using nuclear and molecular methods "(2009-2011), 3. National project of the IAEA TC KAZ / 5003" Increasing the content and bioavailability of micronutrients in wheat germplasm using an integrated approach "(2012-2015)," Analysis of the diversity of the Balkan genome, Caucasian and Central Asian wheat for sustainable production of soft wheat "(2014-2016), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) - SCOPES project (SNSF No. IZ73Z0_152374 / 1), IAEA TC project KAZ / 5004" Development of drought-resistant and disease-resistant varieties wheat with an increased nutrient content and the use of mutational breeding "(2018-2019), AP05131881" Development of integral approaches to biofortification and high bioavailability of the most important of spring wheat calcronutrients to improve health "(2018-2020), AP09258679" Molecular-biochemical characteristics of the created mutant germplasm of spring wheat, for resistance to leaf and yellow rust, morphometry and grain quality (2021-2023).

Bases for scientific practice

 Research Institute of Ecology Problems;

 Research Institute of Problems of Biology and Biotechnology;

 RSE Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology KN MES RK

 RSE “Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry named after M. A. Aytkhozhin "KN MES RK;

 RSE "Institute of Microbiology and Virology" KN MES RK

 Agrobiological station at al-Farabi KazNU.

 Research Institute of Ecology Problems al-Farabi KazNU;

 Research Institute of Problems of Biology and Biotechnology, al-Farabi KazNU;

 Agrobiological station at KazNU named after al-Farabi.

International activity

International cooperation with leading scientific and academic structures, with representatives of various scientific schools and trends in order to exchange experience

One of the main areas of cooperation is direct ties of the teaching staff with academies of sciences, research institutes, and foreign universities.

A feature of international scientific cooperation in the field of phytobiotechnology is the joint implementation of international scientific projects funded by international organizations such as the IAEA, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), scientific internships in leading foreign research centers and universities in Poland, Turkey, Switzerland, Austria, Israel, England and others, as well as academic ties with the Belgian Education Council, where teachers undergo internships and receive certificates of continuing education at an international level.

Quality assurance (Accreditation, rating, work with employers)

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