
Аn advisor hour was held on the topic: “Covid19: overall impact on Kazakhstan. Vaccination as a solution to this problem ”


On March 25, 2021, an advisor hour was held on the topic: “Covid19: overall impact on Kazakhstan. Vaccination as a solution to this problem ”. The organizers are 2nd year students of the specialty "6В05105 - Genetics" together with their adviser Mynbayeva D.O. discussed the problem of vaccination, what it means in the general sense of the word. Also, much attention was paid to the statistics of sick people around the world, as well as, in particular, in the cities of Kazakhstan. The event was attended by teachers of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Ph.D. Altybaуeva N.A., teacher Serbaeva A.D., teacher Alikul A.B. The students raised important questions regarding the stages of creating vaccines and their effectiveness in the future, because the virus mutates at an incredible rate.

Mynbayeva D.O.


The аnnouncement



«Сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы студенттердің көзқарасы»

Dear teachers and students! We invite you to take part in an open lesson on the topic «Сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы студенттердің көзқарасы». The organizers are students of the Bb 18-06 group, 3 courses. Advisor Alikul A.B.


Congratulations with Nauryz holiday!


Dear students and teachers!

The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology invites you to take part in our festive event «Наурыз-Ұлыстың Ұлы күні», which will take place online on March 15 at 16:00.

Organizers: 3rd year students, specialty "5B070100 Biotechnology" under the guidance of adviser Tileules Zh. B.

Venue: Microsoft teams platform

To join the online broadcast, you must follow the link:


To survive, you need to be able to change


On February 19, 2021, an open educational hour was held at the faculty level with students of groups 18-39, 18-40, 18-41 of the 3rd year of the Department of Molecular Biology and genetics of the specialty "Biotechnology" on the topic: "To survive, you need to be able to change". The educational hour was held on the MC Teams channel in an open format, dedicated to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the aim of patriotic education of students.




On February 8, 2021, the collective of the biological faculty organized a solemn meeting dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the dean of the Faculty of biology and biotechnology, doctor of biological sciences, professor, academician of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zayadan Bolatkhan Kazykhanuly.  Letters of congratulations have been received from the leading universities and research institutes of the world and the country. Honorary academicians, professors, heads of departments of the Faculty congratulated the Dean on the anniversary and expressed their warm wishes. Reputable faculty professors who were unable to attend the meeting due to the quarantine sent online congratulations.

The staff of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics wishes Bolatkhan Kazykhanovich long life, creative success and family well-being.




The teaching staff and students of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University congratulate Academician of the NAS of the RK Amangeldy Bissenbaev with the award of the title "The best teacher of the university-2020".


«Елін сүйген, елі сүйген – Елбасы»


On December 4, 2020, the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics held an educational hour on the topic "Elin Suigen, eli Suigen-Elbasy" with the participation of 3rd year students of the BT18-39, BT18-40, BT18-41 specialty "Biotechnology". The educational hour was held to promote the activities of the head of state to the Kazakh people.