Environmental journalism courses to be held in Almaty


Views: 3735

From 15 to 19 March this year in Almaty, Kazakh National University named after S. Al-Farabi, on the initiative of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, training courses will be held for journalists specializing in the environmental field (the program is attached).

The training courses will be held offline at:

Almaty, Al-Farabi ave., 71/27. Participants will receive certificates of completion of the Environmental Journalism course.
Online broadcast will take place on the official page of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KazakhNationalUniversity.

Dear journalists, if you are interested in taking this course, please register using the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdV1LKZ6GlcizPU4RRgtgQGWjV-0V6TdttgV4LnEsSGINhf=sviewform?usp.

For all questions of interest, you can contact the following contacts: +77029857977, Akmaral, +77029992277, Anel.

