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Today was held the master class of "Mobile journalism" club in a new format. Today's guest was the editor-in-chief of independent authors' website, Margulan Aqan. Margulan taught the techniques of creating quality content. site is a large platform for information gathering over 550 journalists and attracting 45,000 readers in four months. The speaker outlined the thematic, ideological structures of the site, which had gathered such audiences for the first time in Kazakhstan. He answered the questions that raised students' interest and encouraged them to become independent authors. All club members registered and made their first record on a free platform for creativity. In the near future, we want to organize master classes with club members in the editorial offices, media centres. It will become a platform for the members of the club to develop direct communication with the media in the field of mass media.

Head of the club: Aikerim Alimzhan