International award Scopus Awards Kazakhstan 2022


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On November 15, 2022, the International Scopus Awards were presented in Astana. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Elsevier company congratulated the scientists who published scientific articles in Scopus journals and distinguished themselves by their perseverance.
The international Scopus Awards Kazakhstan 2022 is an objective indicator of the achievements of scientists. The contribution of an individual author to the development of national science is measured by the number of published scientific articles and their citations in international journals. The contribution of each researcher to the development of science was evaluated using the Scopus database.

Among those awarded the Scopus Awards Kazakhstan 2022 is the professor of our department Turuspekov Yerlan Kenesbekovich.
Turuspekov Yerlan Kenesbekovich is one of the leading scientists of Kazakhstan, is the head of the laboratory of molecular genetics "Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology". Actively participates in research projects. The result of which is his publication in foreign journals of 56 articles, which were cited in total more than a thousand times. In 2022 alone, his work was cited in 88 publications.

Turuspekov Yerlan Kenesbekovich, in parallel with his research activities, makes a great contribution to the education of the young generation of scientists in Kazakhstan. He teaches in the magistracy and doctoral studies of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. He gives lectures on such courses as: "Genomics and proteomics", "Post-genomic biotechnology", "Functional genomics of pro- and eukaryotes", "Plant population genetics", etc.

Congratulations to Yerlan Kenesbekovich on the recognition of his scientific contribution to biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology and the award of a prestigious international award! We wish Yerlan Kenesbekovich good health, success in work, all the best, good luck and prosperity!

The team of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and senior lecturer of the department B.A. Ertaeva