To the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Opening of the International Symposium "Science, Education, Innovation: World Trends and Regional Aspects" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Academician of the NAS of RK E.E. Yergozhin and the Meeting Ha


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The symposium was opened by the Chairman of the Board – Rector of NJSC «al-Farabi KazNU» Zh.K. Tuymebayev, who welcomed the participants and guests in regard of the symposium beginning, as well as the opening of the Meeting Hall of the Academic Council named after E.E. Yergozhin and the presentation of the book «EDIL ERGOZHIN», published in KazNU in the series «Ғибратты Ғұмыр».

At the opening ceremony of the International Symposium, prominent statesmen and public figures, heads of the country's leading universities and research centers also spoke with words of greeting and congratulations: Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of RK, President of NEA RK, Academician of NAS RK B.T. Zhumagulov; Chairman of the Science Committee of MES RK Zh.D. Kurmangalieva; Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of RK, Academician of NEA RK, Corresponding Member of NAS RK A. Nukhuly; state and public figure O.N. Oksipbaev; Chairman of the Board – Rector of the Kazakh-British Technical University M.T. Gabdullin; member of the Presidium of NAS RK, Chairman of the Chemical Department of NAS RK, Academician of NAS RK K.D. Rakhimov; scientific supervisor of RSE REM «Institute of Combustion Problems» of CS MES RK, laureate of the State Prize in the field of science, technology and education of RK Z.A. Mansurov; General Director of JSC «Institute of Metallurgy and Beneficiation», Laureate of the State Prize of RK named after al-Farabi B.K. Kenzhaliev; General Director of JSC «Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturov» D.Ye. Fisher.

In the welcoming words at the opening ceremony, it was emphasized that the whole life of E.E. Yergozhin, his scientific, pedagogical and social activities serve as a vivid example of what heights in science can be achieved in our country by a talented, gifted, hardworking and purposeful person. At the age of 33 – Doctor of Science, 42 – Corresponding Member, at 48 – Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR.

With his talent as a great researcher, inexhaustible diligence and energy, dedication, enthusiasm, he was the clearest example of selfless service to science and its lofty ideals for several generations of young scientists in our country.

The name of Edil Yergozhaevich is immortalized in the name of the Meeting Hall of the Academic Council at his native Faculty of chemistry and chemical technology of al-Farabi KazNU.


Head of the Department of chemistry and technology of

organic substances, natural compounds and polymers at

al-Farabi KazNU, Dr. of Chem.Sc., Professor,

academician of NEA RK                                                                              G.A. Mun

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