In the 2020-2021 academic year, the traditional "School of Curators-Advisors" of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was dedicated to curators-advisors of the 1st year.


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 On the basis of these seminars, on January 23, 2021, the senior curator-organizer of the faculty, Kerimkulova Moldir Zhadraevna, organized a seminar at the faculty. The seminar was attended by 1st year advisors, senior curators of the department and Deputy Dean for educational and methodological work Kudreeva Leila Kadirsizovna. The advisors asked questions about the organization of attendance of classes by students of the faculty, which has switched to a semi-offline format for the 1st year, questions concerning the students ' home, requirements for compliance with sanitary standards by students in the conditions of the epidemic, etc.

 Факультеттің аға куратор-ұйымдастырушысы Керимкулова Молдир Жадраевна