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On 12 February, 2021 a unique international online workshop was held by Oleg Sidorov, Ph. D., editor-in-chief of the magazine «Ilin», which is published in the capital of the Republic of Sakha /Yakutia/, Yakutsk.

Publicist, author of books in the series «Life of remarkable people» articles, stories, head of the department of journalism NEFU named after M. K. Ammosov, shared a wealth of experience working with authors, strategy of magazine, editor's mission.

During the master class, Oleg Sidorov told about the history of the creation of the magazine «Ilin» and about the main qualities that the editor-in-chief should possess. «The magazine has been published since 1991 in the era of the revival of culture and independence of our people. «Ilyin» became a kind of echo of that time. In the publication, we avoid short-term topics, focused on more global thoughts», - he shared.

Many questions were asked from the interested audience, students and undergraduates of KazNU. Projects of joint research work were discussed. Oleg Gavrilevich is an old friend of the University, visited Almaty in the 90s of the last century, is familiar with the leaders of the Nevada-Semipalatinsk movement, was at the official reception of head of state N.A. Nazarbayev. Thanks to academic and creative contacts, NEFU and KazNU students participate together in KazNU summer schools and conferences.

Idea and moderator Mukanova G. K., co-editor Mukhamadieva L. I., author of the design of the poster – Batyrkhanova Zh. A. PR-support – Tlepbergen A., Batyrkhanova Zh., Slamgazhy A.

Aizhan Khassanova