Samat Torekul's master class by editor


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On September 7, in honor of the 85th anniversary of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, within the framework of the “Week of PR and International Journalism”, a master class of the editor of the website Samat Torekul was held at the Faculty of Journalism.
The organizers of the master class are Nazim Mukhamedieva and Meirgul Jetpisbaeva
Earlier, a leading specialist of the Kazakhstan Deposit Insurance Fund, a branch of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, an analyst and a public relations officer, and now the editor of the website, Samat Torekul, told students about the features of the work of PR specialists in the banking sector. 
During the master class, the guest elaborated on the work of the site, the content of which he is currently editing. He shared his experience on how to recognize Fake-news and how to distinguish between false and real information. During the meeting, students received full answers to all their questions.