The V Farabi Forum was launched: journalistic vision


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Within the framework of V International Farabi Forum scientists of al-Farabi KazNU and a delegations from Turkey, the Netherlands, the United States, Pakistan, and Central Asia discussed the prospects for cooperation in science and training of young scientists. Guests of KazNU willingly give an interview, expressing admiration for the campus, the level of development of science and Kazakh hospitality. The professor at the University of Washington, Charles Weller, speaks Kazakh perfectly; knows Kazakhstan since 1991, here in KazNU he defended his doctoral dissertation. His scientific interests lie in the field of history, he participates in the Farabi forum with a report "Al-Farabi's World Tour: From Central Asia - Middle East - Western Europe - Return ...", in connection with which Associate Professor Mukanova Gulnar and Master Ainur asked him questions about prospects for cooperation between our universities in the field of research on mass communications. Forum brings together the continents and civilizations of the East and West.