Students of the Department of the Middle East and South Asia in Iran


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Students got the opportunity to travel to Tehran on the basis of partnership agreements between al-Farabi KazNU with the University of Shahid Beheshti, one of the prestigious Iranian universities. Shahid Beheshti University is a state educational and research center in the field of engineering and physics and is considered one of the best technical universities in Iran. It was founded in 1959 on the model of American private universities. Currently, 17,500 students are studying under 119 undergraduate programs, 632 master's programs and 257 doctoral programs, including 7507 undergraduate, 9560 master's students and 900 doctoral candidates.

Students of the department of Iranian Studies of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of al-Farabi KazNU are studying at the Faculty of Literature and Humanities. They actively interact with the Iranians, get acquainted with their life and expand their knowledge in the studied country.