7M04102- Economy

Name of EP

7M04102 Economy

The field of education

7M04 Business, Management and Law

Direction of training

7M041 Business and Management

Group of educational programs

М070 Economy


The purpose of the educational program "Economics" is to train highly qualified competitive scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of economics who possess the skills of system analysis and methodological literacy, which are necessary for solving theoretical and applied economic problems in both academic and analytical fields of activity. The program is aimed at forming a professional personality of a specialist capable of:

- understand and explain econometric-statistical methods of analytical work;

- participate in the organization of the company's commercial, investment, production policy in the field of foreign trade and international business;

- develop and implement economic and mathematical models of the company's activities;

- analyze and summarize a statistical sample of the main macroeconomic indicators to build a linear model and trend;

- predict the state of the national economy and/or the region.

- to ensure the implementation of educational programs, the stable functioning of all areas of the educational process;

- ensure the right combination of economic and administrative management methods, apply the principles of material and moral incentives to improve the efficiency of employees;

- ensure the introduction and attraction of innovative technologies for the effectiveness of the educational organization or structural unit.

Language of education

Russian, Kazakh and English

credit hours


Academic degree awarded

Master's Degree

Learning outcomes

For applicants



Academic activity

The academic activity of the EP is carried out:

- within the framework of existing regulatory documents and methodological recommendations in the field of higher education in the field of economic sciences,

- as a result of the implementation of regulatory documents regulating the educational and methodological process at the university;

- generalization and dissemination of new normative legal acts concerning methodological work;

- current and prospective planning of the educational and methodological work of the university; coordination of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline (UMKD) of the department for compliance with regulatory legal acts, the working curriculum and the educational program;

-  monitoring the provision of the educational process with teaching materials, documenting the results;

- development of teaching materials; development and implementation of the working curriculum.

Master's degree programs are developed based on the study of the experience of highly rated foreign universities and research centers that implement accredited master's degree programs. Systematic monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the quality assurance policy is carried out with the participation of students, staff and other stakeholders on the basis of systematic collection, analysis and management of information in order to improve the content of the OP by online questionnaires.


Scientific activity

The training program is based on a set of disciplines and research work of a master's student. Undergraduates are given the opportunity to attend additional courses within the framework of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, which allow expanding the scientific and methodological training of undergraduates. The Center for Economic Research holds special scientific and methodological seminars for undergraduates with individual speeches and presentations of undergraduates on their dissertations, which allow improving the quality and consistency of their research. The scientific and methodological seminars will be attended by leading professors of the Faculty of Economics, as well as invited experts from leading government and analytical organizations, research institutes, and business structures. A number of disciplines of the program are taught in English, including by invited foreign professors from leading universities of the world.

Scientific directions of the Department of Economics:

- Conducting a comprehensive analysis of factors characterizing regional competitiveness features;

- research of the features of the creative industry;

- development of a system of effective organizational and economic management methods;

- development of an economic and mathematical model for financing high-tech industries;

- forecasting of socio-economic indicators of the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.

Over the past 5 years, the Department has implemented 6 projects funded by the SC of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- a branch of the department was established on the basis of the Institute of Economics of the SC MES RK;


International activities

According to the curriculum, students in the master's program must complete a 10-day scientific internship on the topic of research at various foreign universities. The curriculum provides 3 credits for this.

Agreements on scientific cooperation and double-degree education have been concluded between Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the specialty "Economics»:

- PFUR, Moscow, Russia;

- Novosibirsk University, Russia;

- Ural Federal University, Russia;

- South Ural State University, Russia;

- La Sapienza University, Italy;

- University of Management and Ecology in Warsaw, Poland;

- University of Padua, Italy.


Teachers of the educational program undergo internships, educational courses abroad to exchange experience, gain new competencies, and improve educational skills.


Quality assurance (Accreditation, rating, work with employers)

International accreditation, national accreditation

The Master's degree program "7M04102 - Economics" is accredited by the Kazakhstan Society of Engineering Education (KAZSEE) until 2026.

Educational programs occupy the first places according to the assessment of the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA), also have good positions in the NAAR rating.

Employers are:

  • ·         «Ғылым Ордасы» by the Institute of Economics of the KN MES RK;
  • ·         «SANGE» Research Center;
  • ·         Autonomous Cluster Fund «Park of Innovative Technologies»


Training of personnel in the field of Economics is carried out for the following areas of professional activity:

Educational (teachers of economic disciplines at the university, in the system of special and additional professional education).

Scientific (analysis, forecast for the development of enterprises, organizations, systems, territorial-production units of the economy generally; risk management; assessment and development of a qualified, unbiased expert opinion on various aspects of economic activities, etc.). 

The government (the macroeconomic Outlook for the pace of economic growth, GDP, inflation, unemployment, exchange rate forecast, etc.).

Financial (National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, commercial banks, insurance companies, etc. - assessment of financial stability using economic and mathematical methods, etc.).

Industry.Agriculture (AIC).

     The main structural units of their employment are economic, financial, production, economic and analytical services of enterprises (firms) and research organizations that they can successfully lead, as well as scientific and pedagogical activities.