On December 2, 2020 at 15.00, students of the specialty “5B070100 - Biotechnology” of the Department of Biotechnology of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology held an event, dedicated to The First President Day ” in the framework of the programы “Rukhani Zhangyru”.



Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology

Department of Biotechnology


Аn event, dedicated to The First President Day ” in the framework of the programы “Rukhani Zhangyru”


On December 2, 2020 at 15.00, students of the specialty “5B070100 - Biotechnology” of the Department of Biotechnology of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology held an event, dedicated to The First President Day ” in the framework of the programы “Rukhani Zhangyru”.

The purpose of the event: To develop a sense of patriotism and responsibility, love and respect for the Motherland, a sense of duty and a desire to make a feasible contribution to its development

Students of the 1st year of the specialty "5B070100-Biotechnology" held a solemn event dedicated to "The First President Day". Students prepared a presentation and made a report on the role of the First President of Kazakhstan. Students made a report about the childhood and youth of the first president N.A. Nazarbayev, about his work and life path, about his personal achievements and about the achievements of Kazakhstan after getting independence and the role of the Republic in the world.

Venue: Online on the Zoom platform. Conference ID: 875 428 5075 access Code:h1uvVg. https://kaznukz-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/atabaevas_kaznu_kz/EQ_qfGeBWzBAnD_QIexZg_gB19kYWdvrDOCdw6zeYO8hmA?e=kRNgHk


Organizers: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Atabayeva S.D. and 1st year students of the BT-01 group, specialty "5B070100" - Biotechnology.



         Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor                            Atabayeva S.S.


Скрин День Независимости.docx

Publication date :  1/24/2021