Sabirova Yulia completed a scientific internship at the University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK


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Ms Yuliya Sabirova, a 1-year PhD student at the Department of Mathematical and Computer Modelling (MCM), the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, al‐Farabi Kazakh National University, was an Academic Visitor of the Centre for Applied Dynamics Research (CADR), University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, for a period of 3 months, starting from 28th April 2023 up to 1st August 2023 by supervision of Professor, MEng (SUT) ScD(SUT) DSc(Abdn) DHC CEng CMath FIMechE FIMA FRSE, Sixth Century Chair in Applied Dynamics, Marian Wiercigroch. The internship was in the framework of the Yessenov Foundation Scholarship During her stay in Aberdeen, her research focus was drill‐string dynamics and physical phenomena occurring in drilling.

            She was given an honorary university status, which entails to an office space, IT services and an access to all the university facilities. These include University Library resources, a participation in research seminars and other research activities. During her visit, she has had meetings with Pr Marian and extensive discussions on a regular basis.

            The essence of the study was to develop and calibrate a mathematical model of the dynamics of the drill string. To evaluate the physical parameters, a series of experiments were conducted on a small-scale drill string experimental rig developed at CADR.