6B05307 Nuclear Physics

Educational program

6B05307 Nuclear Physics

Field of education

6В05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics

Direction of personnel training

6В053 Physical and chemical sciences

Group of educational programs

B054 Physics

Purpose of EP

Training of highly qualified specialists in the field of atomic nucleus and elementary particle physics, who have the skills necessary to solve scientific and technological problems, are able to carry out a critical analysis of the state of modern scientific research in the field of nuclear physics and nuclear engineering; who know how to ensure nuclear and radiation safety, security and control of nuclear materials, the culture of handling nuclear materials and technologies.

Language of education

In Kazakh, Russian and English


240 academic credits



Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this educational program, students are expected to be able to:

  1. The ability to carry out measurements with radiometric and spectrometric devices, while showing the skills of working with technical documentation and original scientific literature to solve standard technical and technological problems in the field of nuclear physics;
  2. Use the basic theoretical knowledge of the fundamental sections of general and theoretical physics to solve professional problems in the field of nuclear physics;
  3. Classify and define nuclear physical processes and their corresponding theoretical models, describe fundamental and technological processes in nuclear energy and in applied nuclear technologies;
  4. The ability to integrate equipment for the tasks of nuclear physics experiment and nuclear technologies, as well as the ability to monitor compliance with technological discipline and maintenance of technological equipment of appropriate specificity;
  5. Plan dosimetric support according to the accepted methods of technological procedures and ensure compliance with radiation and environmental safety;
  6. Perform analytical calculations of nuclear reactions and nuclear decays for fundamental processes of space physics, astrophysics, radioecology, radiation genetics and other related fields;

10.  Calculate the radiation protection of the working rooms of the " hot " laboratory and research centers with a cyclotron, for PET studies, rooms with gamma cameras, SPECT and PET scanners, including SPECT/CT and PET/CT scanners;

11.  To demonstrate the ability to use the laws of nuclear physics, the laws of the passage of radiation through matter and analytical methods of nuclear physics for interdisciplinary practical use in the field of nuclear chemistry, radiation safety, biophysics and radiation ecology.

12.  to сomply with the ethical principles in all professional interactions with pupils, colleagues and society as a whole, regardless of ethnic characteristics, culture, gender, economic status.

For applicants


Academic activity

Academic activity of the EP is carried out:

- within the framework of existing regulatory documents and methodological recommendations in the field of higher education in the field of nuclear physics sciences;

- as a result of the implementation of regulatory documents regulating the educational and methodological process at the university;

- generalization and dissemination of new normative legal acts concerning methodological work;

- current and long-term planning of the educational and methodological work of the university; coordination of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline (EMCD) of the department for compliance with regulatory legal acts, the working curriculum and the educational program;

- monitoring the provision of the educational process with teaching materials, documenting the results;

- development of teaching materials; development and implementation of the working curriculum.

Scientific activity

For the implementation of the educational program at the faculty there are laboratories:

- Mechanics Laboratory;

- laboratory of "Molecular Physics";

- laboratory of "Electricity and Magnetism";

- laboratory of "Optics";

- laboratory of "Nuclear Physics";

- laboratory of "Interaction of Nuclear Radiation";

- laboratory of "Cosmic radiation".


Scientific directions of the Department of Theoretical and Nuclear Physics:

- General theory of relativity;

- Quantum chromodynamics;

- Nuclear astrophysics;

- Space physics and radiation physics;

- Theory of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles;

- Theory of light nuclei;

- Radioecology and radiation biophysics;

- Experimental nuclear physics;

- Nuclear medicine

International activity

Senior students have the opportunity to study at leading universities in the world as part of the academic mobility program. There are agreements with such universities as: Hokkaido

University, Hokkaido, Japan

Osaka University, Osaka, Japan

Dubna University, Moscow, Russia

Quality assurance (Accreditation, rating, work with employers)

International accreditation, national accreditation


For the future employment of graduates of the program, the key employers are:

1. Research Institute of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (NIIETF)

2. National Open-type Nanotechnology Laboratory (NNLOT)

3. Laboratory of Engineering profile at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (LIP)

4. NNC RK: branches "Institute of Atomic Energy", "Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology", "Kazakh State Research and Production Center of Blasting"

5. Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Republic of Kazakhstan

6. Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology

7. Institute of Physics and Technology

The educational program is relevant for a specific area of employment

1. in physics

2. in radioecology

3. in education

4. in nuclear medicine.