6B05304 - Physics

Educational program


Field of education

6В05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics

Direction of personnel training

6В053 Physical and chemical sciences

Group of educational programs

B054 Physics

Purpose of EP

The purpose of the educational program is to form the basic professional competencies of highly qualified specialists in the field of physics for research institutions, industrial and manufacturing enterprises with solid knowledge of physics and able to clearly and easily present the basic knowledge obtained on the basic fundamental classical laws of physics, including its various sections and directions, problems and principles of theoretical and experimental physics.; able to use modern knowledge in the field of theoretical physics to solve applied and innovative tasks in research activities, to solve various problems of physics; able to conduct research and demonstrate an understanding of the general structure of physics and the close logical relationship of its various sections and directions, possess laboratory research technology, able to collect and interpret scientific information; have research skills and are able to participate in research work.

Language of education

In Kazakh, Russian and English

Volume of the credits

240 academic credits

The awarded academic degree


Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this program, it is expected that students will be able to:

  1. to use knowledge about the role of science in shaping the representation of the modern physical picture of the world, understanding the essence of physical phenomena and processes, the role of physics in shaping a person's worldview and outlook for practical activities;
  2. classify and explain the fundamental laws and principles of physics underlying the modern scientific picture of the world for the interpretation and analysis of the content of scientific literature in the specialty;
  3. analyze the measurement results, detect the relationship between the values, use the results obtained for their interpretation and draw conclusions and conclusions;
  4. conduct experimental studies of various physical phenomena and processes, determine the properties of matter and parameters of the states of physical systems;
  5. solve standard tasks in the specialty, build mathematical models of physical processes, build graphs and make animations to visualize the results;
  6. to use modern scientific developments in the field of physics and methods of teaching physics in pedagogical activity for the formation of students' competencies; to conduct physics lessons in secondary educational institutions using modern teaching methods;
  7. to use information and communication technologies in professional activity; to use methods of analytical and numerical calculation of tasks, computer methods of collecting, storing and processing information;
  8. formulate and solve a practical problem, operate with fundamental concepts, patterns, laws and theories, confidently use scientific terminology and symbols, master the basic methods of scientific cognition used in physics;
  9. integrate fundamental knowledge in the specialty to ensure continuous self-education; apply in practice professional knowledge of the theory and methods of scientific research;

10.  organize the collection and interpretation of scientific information, work in a team and independently, manage the attention of the audience;

11.  to assess the essence and social significance of their future profession, to show sustained interest in it; to achieve the proper level of preparedness necessary for further development of professional skills in the process of studying at the university;

12.  the ability to continue studying at the next stage of the educational program (master's degree), to use a foreign language in the professional field of activity and in the international arena.

For applicants



Academic activity

Academic activity of the EP is carried out:

- within the framework of existing regulatory documents and methodological recommendations in the field of higher education in the field of physical sciences;

- as a result of the implementation of regulatory documents regulating the educational and methodological process at the university;

- generalization and dissemination of new normative legal acts concerning methodological work;

- current and long-term planning of the educational and methodological work of the university; coordination of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline (EMCD) of the department for compliance with regulatory legal acts, the working curriculum and the educational program;

- monitoring the provision of the educational process with teaching materials, documenting the results;

- development of teaching materials; development and implementation of the working curriculum.

Scientific activity

For the implementation of the educational program at the faculty there are laboratories:

- «Mechanics» Laboratory;

- laboratory of «Molecular Physics»;

- laboratory of «General Physics»;

- laboratory of «Electricity and Magnetism»;

- laboratory of «Optics»;

- laboratory of «Nuclear Physics».

Scientific directions of the Department of Theoretical and Nuclear Physics::

- General theory of relativity;

- Nuclear astrophysics;

- Quantum chromodynamics;

- Space physics and radiation physics;

- Theory of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles;

- Theory of light nuclei;

- Radioecology and radiation biophysics;

- Experimental nuclear physics;

- Multidimensional gravity;

- Quantum theory of multiparticle systems.

International activity

Senior students of have the opportunity to study at leading universities in the world as part of the academic mobility program. Teachers of the educational program undergo internships, educational courses abroad to exchange experience, gain new competencies, and improve educational skills.

Quality assurance (Accreditation, rating, work with employers)

I.                   ASIN International Accreditation, 2017-2024;

II.             Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA); Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (IAAR); KazSEE.

III.          Employers are:

1. JSC «NCSRT» 15, Shevchenko St., Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan tel.: +7 (727) 293 88 23 fax: +7 (727) 293 88 20   e-mail: nckit@spaceres.kz;

2. Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Observatory 23, 050020 Almaty, Kazakhstan;

3. SLLP “INSTITUTE OF IONOSPHERE” 050020, Almaty, Sadovodcheskoe tovarishhestvo “Ionosphere” building 117. Tel/Fax: (727) 380-30-54, 380-30-53, e-mail: admion1@mail.ru; http://ionos.kz.

4. The Institute of Nuclear Physics +7 727 386 68 00 +7 727 386 52 60 info@inp.kz Kazakhstan, Almaty, Ibragimova street 1.

5. FIZIKO-TEHNICHESKIJ INSTITUT LLP. Kazakhstan, Almaty, Ibragimova street 11. http://www.sci.kz